I heart asparagus

and Halibut. and Herbed Oatmeal Bread.
But the asparagus...that was the definite *star* last night, worthy of the splurge in both dollars and calories.
Go to Breakfast Lunch & Dinner to try these new recipes or share your own.
p.s. I'll be back here on Monday. Good mail will be sent on Tuesday to the first person who guesses my favorite U.S. president here. Who is yours?
Reader Comments (20)
At least if I'm right, you don't have to go to the post office!!!! Hand delivery will suffice.
Oh, and the food does look delicious.
You took awesome food pics, I am full right now and I still want to eat that!
Your favourite US president? Okay, I looked up a list of Presidents on line and my guess is going to be William Henry Harrison, just because I'd never heard of that one before.
Have fun on your "real" weekend out of town!
Okay, I'll go with a different choice. I'm just making wild guesses here: John Adams. (I do like him--after reading one of his biographies).
As for yours...I'm going to go with Lincoln. He was a smart, funny, self-depreciating man. He's my second fav.
I think your favorite president is James Monroe!
I heart all those things too. Yum!
Your favorite president? Nixon? Clinton? Harrison? Bush? Ok those are the least likely choices I could think of. And yes, I included our current president with the lowest approval rating in that list.