52 Blessings

week 2: forward motion
hall closet - one of many steps forward to order in our home (imagine the before in your mind - contents spilling out, doors shoveably closeable, but only *just*...now the other half is nearly empty and this is the "full" side!)
At dinner on Wednesday night Jim sat across the table from me, not chewing, simply staring, with these words: "I wish I had an x-ray machine or something that could let me know that my Amy is somewhere inside that body." Coming home to a bed made for the third day in a row caused quite a stir. Ha! On day 6 of bedmaking I'm freaked out a bit myself.
As I write, every single room in my house is clean...and most have enjoyed this status all week. It feels controllable. And wonderful. And I know I'm bound to slip up soon, but I'm holding my breath because life has been lovely as I've kept my chaos demons at bay.
I always used to laugh at FlyLady's "bless your house" lingo, because...well, it's funny. But this week I laugh no more. With this high power urgency to get my life in order, the words have kept forcing their way in: "I'm blessing my house." I've had cleaning bursts aplenty. But the past week and a half have felt different somehow. I've pushed to do the things I typically resent, and a love & peace have replaced my usual restlessness. I feel more inclined to play with my boys, get adequate sleep, and improve my eating.
A blessing indeed.
Please cross your fingers for me in hopes for its continuance!!
Reader Comments (15)
I am giggling at Jim's comment...I bet it's not the first time he's wished for x-ray vision with you...um, yes, I meant that in BOTH ways.
You are not only a wonder in your own house...you are proving to be quite a motivator as I look around my own. I know exactly what you mean about the ease in the restlessness...I was quite at my wit's end until I stayed up late Monday night finally scrubbing the last of the powdered sugar off every surface in my house.
but, it's true - there was much decluttering in my home this weekend, and it was good!
I'm impressed with your togetherness! My house is in the exact opposite state at the moment, and consequently my feelings are mirroring that. I woke up today feeling quite motivated. No, actually, I did not wake up feeling quite motivated. The mess I encountered after I woke up was quite motivating, though. I love that your bed making has thrown Jim for a loop! Here's wishing you another good week!
i love that feeling of clean. the sense of peace...
keep up the great work!