the impossible

me & JoDee
As young kids we'd often speak {in awe} of the days and years ahead. Dumbfounded by the thought that when JoDee turned 16, I'd be 14, Tyler 12, Mandi 10, Megs 8. And the crazier thought that someday JoDee would actually turn 20. And we'd follow at 18, 16, 14, and 12. Unfathomable.
Well, the impossible is now firm reality and far in the past. We've delved well beyond the big 2 - 0.
Today JoDee is 35.
Another unfathomable from my little years was mom's chide to be nice to each other because one day we would be the best of friends. During my awkward, often-nerdy teenage years, as I looked jealously at my gorgeous sister (who really only looked at me when there was something to fight about), that seemed impossible.
But - of course - mom was right. There are few people I enjoy as much as my sisters. And I think there is no one I laugh with louder or longer than JoDee. She is truly hilarious. We still can't sit together in a church meeting without making a scene with giggles.
Other things I love about JoDee are that her home is a true haven. She knows how to decorate and pull things together into a gathering spot where everyone feels comfortable. She is similarly always put together - make-up, accessories, shoes, hair. She loves her children. Above her back door, the wall reads "A family that plays together stays together." She and Shane definitely live by that philosophy, and spend lots of time playing with their cute littles.
A few sister memories:
combing your hair, camping flower girls at Dan & Nina's wedding
do you remember mom braiding our hair to make it frizz?
JoDee's 8th birthday, I was 6, Tyler 4, Mandi, 2, Megs a baby
Happy 35, JoDee! We love you!
in honor of gas now being nearly $3 a gallon, a few tid-bits (found on Melissa's blog (happy birthday!)) about prices when you were a baby:
Bread: $0.25/loaf
Milk: $1.33/gal
Avg Income:$12,625/yr
Min Wage: $1.60/hr
Um...that's plenty to make you feel old. Crazy! But, don't worry, I'll be 48 to your 50 some day. And I imagine we'll still giggle through church.

Reader Comments (13)
I love seeing the old pics, it's insane how much time has gone by. Freaks me out. And I totally remember always doing the math of who would be what age when we grew up, it seemed so unreal that I would ever be sixteen when JoDee was twenty-four, and now I'm 27 and she's turned thirty-five, just crazy.
I love your post! I love the picture of Dan & Nina's wedding. It is so strange to see so much of Cassi and Corey in Nina's face. Speaking of seeing chidren's faces in thier parents, WOW do you look like Davyn!
I also think that's crazy what Rachel said because I looked back and Dan looks 100% like Corey with a 70's outfit! Crazy!
Oh, and I agree with Megs that you get the prize for best JoDee post! Happy Birthday Jo!
When I was in YW in CA, we filled out a questionaire about ourselves to seal in a time capsule. I remember those kinds of ??- bread, milk, gas, etc. Crazy -No way are we 'old', if so, what does that make our parents? -
ancient? ha! ciao