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    Sunday thoughts

    Mostly I blog to capture in a small space the huge moments in our Now.  But, often, I am stunned by the byproducts of this *almost* personal obsession.  It has put me in touch with some amazing people.  I was sitting here tonight thinking that another Sunday has gone by without much spiritual penetration.  I have this disease lately.  I dread going to church.  And I'm confused about it because this is the first time in a long time that I don't have babies with me...that my boys don't wiggle through the entirety of Sacrament meeting...that I actually am allowed to go to Sunday School, open the scriptures, read, comment, whatever.  And yet (my favorite phrase of all time since reading The History of Love...have you bought that book yet??!).  

    ...I was feeding this blah tonight and decided to catch up on reading blogs...something I haven't done in a while.  And I was moved by so many of the Sunday thoughts of so many of these amazing girls I've met through this strange forum.  More than one "a-ha".  And my heart felt pricked.  I'm a leech of others' Sunday inspiration...feeding ravenously, but sharing none of my own in turn.  I think it's time to follow Jill's cue in dedicating a notebook to Sunday musings.  It may not produce much that's share-worthy, but perhaps it will contribute to the entire process of making myself share-worthy.  

    It's a thought.  And my Sunday thought.  For now.

    Reader Comments (11)

    I know what you mean, but I struggle because I can't stand sitting in primary for two hours, I know that's selfish, but sometimes I do beleive that pre-teens are the spawn of satan.
    August 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMegan
    Oh, I can really relate to these feelings. I'm hoping that my dread comes from my calling. But, I do find that usually Jill's Sunday thoughts are my most inspirational part of Sunday. As long as PQ is still a project during sacrament meeting and my next two hours are spent in nursery (recently assigned to be the boy who hates nursery's special helper), I know I am going to have to push myself outside of church to get these experiences. Lots of times it takes more effort than I have left, especially after two hours of special helping.
    August 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
    Thanks for sharing. I found a notebook from last years book of Mormon thursday classes. I had filled 1/2 of it with my scribled notes. I was going to toss the book (gasp!) but thought I could look through it during church and re-learn and add to it. But I was on a throw away 'roll' and was purging overdue boxes that were taking up space in a closet. Now, I have more of a mess on my hands -but yay! the box is empty!haha
    August 6, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersista #2 it doesn't change when you stop wrestling a baby through sacrament meeting? I have been really, really dreading sacrament meeting lately and sort of made a plug to my bishop about how I could play the organ and doesn't the ward need a little help with that (totally true....I've never sung hymns slower...ever). Lucky me just got called as part-time organist so now at least every other week, I'll get to simply watch my husband struggle with the crazy eighteen month old. But, this doesn't count as inspiring, does it?
    August 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLucy
    It's only on RARE occasion that I have Sunday thoughts. Seriously Jill has motivated me to even take the smallest of notes at church. I know what you mean about Sunday school I had to pry myself away from my car from reading Harry Potter yesterday. Pathetic!
    August 6, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjenny c.
    I finally was able to 1/2 way listen in sacrament yesterday!!! Jared stayed home sick and I left Jake with him, so I only had to keep Abby entertained. I hear you and need to do better at having Sunday thoughts.
    August 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterShanon
    I know EXACTLY how you feel! Every sunday morning I am looking for excuses....

    But reading everybody's blogs on Sunday gives me that inspiration that I need. I feel so blessed to have been introduced to this world. And you writing is amazing! I have cried over many of your posts. :)
    August 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLaralee Anderson
    Congrats on 5 years. Your husband must be a whiz if he is better with words then you. Have fun with your time away.
    August 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterElizabeth
    Yeah, I agree with Megan. Struggling with London through sacrament and then struggling with 8 five year olds (with 3 very wild boys) for two hours of primary isn't exactly uplifting, but I do love reading the Ensign on Sundays and that usually helps -- oh, and church music helps calm my children (sometimes) so that our house can be peaceful.
    August 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandi
    Just the act of taking notes during church is a transforming experience because it keeps my mind focused on the talks and lessons rather than on what people are wearing, what we're having for dinner later or how tired I'm feeling. Hopefully you'll find this to be the case as well. I think you'll be surprised at the spiritual profundities that will come your way.
    August 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJill
    Good for you for working out a way to get more out of your Sundays. I love it when we have a Sunday where everything just works. Kids sit still, baby doesn't need to nurse, primary goes well, I get to attend Relief Society...good Sundays.
    August 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMarie

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