too nice for nearly jealous

It's bad enough having gorgeous sisters, but then I had to marry into these fellow Scott sisters-in-law.

Blonde & beautiful, both of them have mid-March birthdays (and I'm pathetically never sure of the precise day of either).
Both of these pictures were taken at my wedding. Tonya and Daniel (top picture) lived with us at the time, and helped us whip our backyard into wedding reception shape. They are extraordinarily hard workers who kept us on our tending- toward-lazy-temptations toes. Tonya was also the Friday girl for watching Aidan while I taught part-time after he was born. She usually took him to work, and he happily sat by her desk. By the end of the school year, he was a mini-Magellan, exploring move-it move-it style. Not so fun at work anymore, I'm sure, but I was so grateful to leave him in such good hands. Tonya is now in her third year of Med school. She is determined and sincere...I can't imagine a better doctor-making combo. And did I mention that she has about a thousand pairs of shoes? Seriously only a slight exaggeration.
Shanon and Jared (bottom picture) were married a few years before us, so she was the long-time only sister-in-law. Truly a hard act to follow. We had our first babies within a few months, starting a tradition of very spoiled Scott grandchildren. Shanon's scrapbook pages could make you cry...that amazing...and she is the queen of the internet. Mention that you want purple hippo plates and she'll call you in a day with a list of options. Yes, handy. And Jared is her handy twin with all things computer design related. They have supplied many a media need, want, whim.
Yes, I'd hate them both for their looks alone, but they're honestly too damn likeable...can't help but Love them as sisters and as friends.
Happy Birthday Tonya & Shanon!
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