lights, camera...Click!

Tuesday already?! The week swept by as I searched my native Arizona for the perfect representative picture. Kelly suggested cactus trapeze. Hm...I laughed. And when I mentioned the whole movie scene tid-bit to Jim, he suggested a trek to the sacred grounds of ASU’s football stadium, filming spot for part of Jerry Maguire. Hm…I considered.
Then I remembered my first pull to the silver screen…8 years old, living in Page, Arizona, hearing that scenes for a Superman movie were going to be filmed practically in my backyard. We watched a helicopter dangling a box of cargo. I remember feeling proud, important, as though this filming was intricately connected with my young life. I know we saw nothing more than this helicopter, but somehow in my child's mind it morphed into the man, the cape, the tights, the bad guys, Lois...All. Imagination, mostly the property of 8-years-old and younger, is the master of such deceptive magic.
A lifetime later I was watching a movie with my brother Tyler...just the type of ridiculous movie we laugh at together - Evolution. David Duchovny and Julianne Moore. We chortled through all the silly, but the best came when an alien was found in a house on the very street in Page where we had lived… the movie showed the very scene from whence we dreamed of Superman. Lights, camera, action. The camera actually even zoomed out to show our old house. And, later in the movie, aliens were hatched and dying on the cliffs straight behind my house. The same cliffs that saw a helicopter dangling Superman cargo. The same cliffs that watched us lose ourselves in Play. I think this "deceptive magic" can both call forth things that didn't exist and poof away those that did. I don't remember my parents, but I see me and siblings playing on cliffs. Truth is quite elusive in the looking back.
Parents present, hidden or hiding, I remember the *feel* of our Page days vividly. Little reality & lots of Imagine. This was where I produced plays, mastered Chinese jump rope, roller skated, ran a part-time grocery store, built forts, taught school, invented floor dancing, manufactured magnificent Barbie mansions. Leaps and bounds from The Real World, we lived in one composed of Light and Make-believe.
So, with this week’s challenge and my tangential nature, my mind traveled to this time separate from all others - childhood memories of Page. I could have attempted cactus trapeze, hoping for a hospital picture theme next Tuesday. I could have gone to the ASU stadium. Jerry Maguire was surely a better movie than Evolution.

Instead, I re-entered the world of Imagine…finding my way to a picture at Lake Powell. For the love of deceptive magic. Steps away from Superman, Evolution, and years of memorable Make believe.
Reader Comments (21)
oh? and i'll take you at chinese jump rope any day!!
Childhood memories are magical. I'll have to go back and watch Evolution to catch a glimpse of your youth.
Actually,a striking picture! FUN -ciao
Great idea for your shot. I love how these challenges seem to bring memories back.
sweet picture of you, kelly!