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    to my Valentine

    I visited La Sebastiana, the Valparaiso home of Pablo Neruda, in the summer of 2000.  The poem he dedicated to this home stopped my breath, and it was then I first envisioned our own future home and union, first built of Air (dreams, hopes), then pounded (sometimes painfully) into reality.  Over the years we've built foundation, raised our banner, breathed life into the walls of this kingdom that is Us.  I want to continue, to build & grow, remodel in the "need" await the spring blooms with you Eternally.  Oh yes, it's worth the Work. 
    Yo Construí La Casa
    La hice primero de aire

    Luego subí en el aire la bandera
    y la dejé colgada del firmamento,
    de la estrella, de la claridad y de la oscuridad.

    Cemento, hierro, vidrio
    eran la fábula,
    valían más que el trigo y como el oro,
    había que buscar y que vender,
    y así llegó un camión:
    bajaron sacos
    y más sacos
    la torre se agarró a la tierra dura
    -- pero, no basta, dijo el Constructor,
    falta cemento, vidrio, puertas--,

    Pero crecía,
    crecían las ventanas
    y con poco, con pegarle al papel y trabajar
    y arremeterle con rodilla y hombro
    iba a crecer hasta llegar a ser,
    hasta poder mirar por la ventana;
    y parecía que con tanto saco
    pudiera tener techo y subiría
    y se agarrara, al fin, de la bandera
    que aún colgaba del cielo sus colores.

    Me dediqué a las puertas más baratas,
    a las que habían muerto
    y habían sido echadas de sus casas,
    puertas sin muro, rotas,
    amontonadas en demoliciones,
    puertas ya sin memoria,
    sin recuerdo de llave,
    y yo dije: "venid a mí,
    puertas perdidas:
    os daré casa y muro
    y mano que golpea,
    oscilaréis de nuevo abriendo el alma,
    custodiaréis el sueño de Matilde
    con vuestras alas que volaron tanto".

    Entonces la pintura llegó también
    lamiendo las paredes,
    las vistió de celeste y de rosado
    para que se pusieran a bailar.
    Así la torre baila,
    cantan las escaleras y las puertas,
    sube la casa hasta tocar el mástil,
    pero falta dinero:
    faltan clavos,
    faltan aldabas, cerraduras de mármol.
    Sin embargo, la casa
    sigue subiendo
    y algo pasa,
    un latido circula en sus arterias:
    es tal vez un serrucho que navega
    como un pez en el agua de los sueñoa
    o un martillo que pica
    como alevoso cóndor carpintero
    las tablas del pinar que pisaremos.

    Algo pasa y la vida continúa

    La casa crece y habla
    se sostiene en sus pies,
    tiene ropa colgada en un andamio,
    y como por el mar la Primavera
    nadando como náyade marina
    besa la arena de Valparaíso,

    Ya no pensemos más: ésta es la casa:

    ya todo lo que falta será azul,

    lo que ya necesita es florecer.

    Y eso es trabajo de la primavera.
    Not the typical love poem, I suppose.  But, not the typical Love.  Thank you for being mine, through work, through wait, through laughs, through tears...I love you.

    Reader Comments (15)

    Ummm....can I get a translation??
    February 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMegan
    Sorry Megs. Both my Spanish and my poetry are mediocre, so I think Pablo would roll over in his grave if I attempted to give his poem English justice. I have the translation in some book in some box in some part of my garage. *Enough* today that Jim knows Spanish.
    February 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAMy
    Happy Valentines Day. I can't read spanish, but sounds like a sweet poem :)
    February 14, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjenny
    From what I barely understand, it sounds like a beautiful poem. I'm so glad you have each other. It sounds like you have a wonderful marriage.
    February 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandy
    Gotta love Pablo - my first area in my mission was named after him "Poeta Neruda." Beautiful poem - some of the words I was unfamiliar with and taking things literally in a poem while translating doesn't quite do it justice, but it was lovely all the same. I did dig out my "La Sebastiana" tour book, though, just to make sure I got the gist of it right. Yup, it's just as beautiful in English. Thanks for taking me back to my speaking Spanish days - it's refreshing to read/hear it every once in a while and to let memories flood back. . .
    February 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandi
    My love, you have awoken us from a long slumber. I am grateful our love seved as some of the wood, cement, and glass, and I like where our dreams are taking us now. I love you too.
    February 14, 2007 | Unregistered Commentercode red
    Very sweet. I don't understand a word of the poem, but I know if you picked it out for Jim -- it must be wonderful.

    Happy Valentine's Day!
    February 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
    beautiful! pablo neruda always melts my heart - i adore him! happy valentine's day to you and your sweetheart!
    February 14, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterlove squalor
    AHHHH! It's sooo romantic, sweet, and deep. I got a card with a picture of two Bassett hounds on the front. (I think they're Bassetts - you know the kind with the droopy eyes, long faces, extra long ears that hang down like pony tails, and lots of extra wrinkley skin.)

    The doggie with a string of pearls around her neck is saying, "Your wrinkles and extra chins are sexy." The doggie with the red bow tie says, "You smell like you've been rolling in dead rats."

    Open the card and it says "I ruv rou. Happy Valentine's Day, you sweet talker!"

    I'm glad it came from my sister and not my husband.

    Thanks for sharing Neruda.
    February 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAunt Judy
    I am now looking through a volume of poetry by Pablo Neruda, the firsts gift I gave to my now-husband 11 years ago.
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    February 14, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterrebecca
    I also ran to my Canto General. Lovely lovely. What a sweet reply from your Jim.
    February 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJordan
    How sweet to give a poem like this! I hope you had a GREAT Valentine's day!
    February 15, 2007 | Unregistered Commentermichelle
    very sweet amy. it was a treat to read something in spanish! love it! hope you had a happy vday!
    February 15, 2007 | Unregistered Commentercrystalyn
    Yes it was a treat to see some Spanish. And I personally like it better in Spanish. The poetic fantasy of Spanish is lost in translation. I hope you had a fantastic Valentine's Day.
    February 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnnalisa
    Such a romantic language!
    February 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBarb

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