my anniversary

What I've learned in this year of blogging:
*. It is infinitely easier for me to open up to others through writing. I'm not face-to-face gushy, and certainly am not a hugger. So blogging has introduced a forum where I can comfortably express myself.
* There are AMAZING women everywhere...and so many have impacted me so fully in this forum - with everything from new recipes to renewed faith.
* I can't compare myself to others. This goes hand in hand with #2. That many amazing women can certainly be intimidating. When I browse blogs and see professional photographs, mad sewing skills, perfect parenting, awe-inspiring writing...well, it can sometimes overwhelm.
* An at-home mother of littles needs an at-home outlet.
* Friendships discovered over the internet are not as freakish as they sound. I was trying to explain this phenomenon to a friend the other day. Jenny's Christmas card was hanging up and he asked who it was, how I knew her, etc. And I watched his eyes widen in wonder at the fact that this was a person I had met on the...internet (gasp!). To be fair, my eyes widened in equal wonder (of the very nearly appalled variety) when Kelly first mentioned blogging to me over a year ago. Yet..I truly treasure my friendships with each person on my sidebar.
* People - at least this person - need connection. Renewed contact with many of my old friends has enriched my life...reminded me in some odd way of who I am and was before childbearing bumped me into forgetfullness. Last night April & her family came over for dinner. Oh my. It was the perfect evening. The kids were a dream, and the four adults just talked for hours. Sitting & chatting with her & Dave was so like old times (with the welcome new addition of my Jim, of course). All this because of blogging.
* I took maybe 100 pictures total in 2006. 2007? I'm sure I'm in the thousands. Not all of these appear on my blog, obviously, but I have been so much better at documenting my boys and our life.
* My husband thinks I'm great. Okay, that sounds ridiculous, but we are all truthfully bundles of insecurity, no? My insecurities wonder if he only sees the girl who hates to clean bathrooms and seemingly loves a house laden with laundry piles (my identity as a housekeeper definitely is in crisis at times). I have been grateful for the connection of Jim reading and talking about my writing and pictures. I honestly don’t think he forgets that I’m not just the girl who makes his dinner, but I know that I do.
* Writing about life allows one to step back and see the bigger picture far more often. And the bigger picture's theme is ALWAYS love & abundance & gratitude. Seriously. What a blessing.

Reader Comments (31)
I echo all these thoughts about blogging. From the eyebrows to the deep contented sighs...especially the last two notes. I get a similar reaction from Dave and I love the perspective writing about my life is giving me. Thank you for introducing me to this forum that has reintroduced me to some of the people I love the most.
Happy Anniversary!
I'm not mushy or a hugger either, but I'm able to convey my feelings and share very personal thoughts on my blog easily. Crazy.
I do, on occasion, feel a bit like Lou Horowitz with my "internet friends" and all, but it's decidedly worth it. And, I feel the same way about all the points you wrote, except for the one about Jim reading your blog. Keith doesn't read mine, which honestly bothers me a bit since it's such a part of my soul that I'm revealing. And my brother-in-law reads it daily, for heaven's sake. (Okay, rant over.)
Happy Blogging Anniversary and here is to several more years!
Thanks for the great pics of the girls and the fun morning hanging out today--witch socks and all!
And Rassy ... we can easily help you with the setting up of a blog. That's the easy part! But, really, it would be an amazing record for you of your sweet babies as they grow. You think you will remember all those little things. But, somehow it slips away from you. And you can't remember which kid called Cinderella "Shunda lalla", or exactly how old they were when they learned to wave "hi".
Plus, selfishly, I just want to see pictures of Grace and Sophie all the time.
Do it.
Happy Anniversary!
i have loved getting to know you!
your post captured the best of the best.