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4 miracles + many prayers

Sophia.jpg I spent yesterday morning with my friends, Angie, Grace (top), and Sophia (side).  Ang (of course!) had beautiful long blessing gowns for her two.  They were her first purchase as a would-be mother of twin girls.  I went over to practice my camera skills (ha!) on the beauties.  What I learned?  I have  few camera skills!  Babies - while adorable - are blobs that lie there smileless with their hands all over their faces.   And I'm clueless when it comes to angling a decent blob into my frame.  But I loved the indirect dreaminess of these two pictures.  And I mostly loved spending time watching the differences between two little ones who just happened to share the same womb at the same time.

Congrats to Grace & Sophia on their blessing this Sunday.  Two more little ones I know are being blessed Sunday - a niece and a nephew.

Jared & Shanon's Lily (picture stolen from her blog)lily1copyLargecopy.jpg

Tyler & Regina's Ryder

Life is always a Miracle.  I think all four of these babes were born within one week of each other.  Each miraculous of their own accord and situation.  Lily, a gift to Shanon in the wake of the most difficult year of her life.  Ryder, boy number four with an oldest brother only 6.  Sophia and Grace, a long-long-awaited pregnancy with doubled blessings as a result.

But there's one more nephew who is in my thoughts this week.  Megan is now 24 weeks pregnant and just discovered that her little one has a large hole in his heart.  The full extent of what this means?  Who knows, yet (though tests & consultations certainly fill one's mind with worries about possibilities).  At the least, surgery for a newborn.  And somehow that *least* is by far the *most* we can think about at present.

Megs, of course, is a rock...and Tom, of course, is her rock, but it has definitely been a week laden with worries.  Worries amplified by the reality that Megan delivers early with no signs of labor..and this boy needs every chance he can get to become strong before he greets the world.   And the reality for all of us in Arizona and Utah that she is half the states away from us in distance.  How do you send love & support thousands of miles?  Phones & prayers.  While there's definitely miracle to the technological wonder of the former, the latter is the truer Miracle by far.  Our prayers are with you Megs, and there's no better messenger of our love than a Father who knows how to succor All. 

Reader Comments (18)

prayers coming from here, too!
November 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterlelly
I'll keep your sis in my prayers.
November 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterEmily
Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos of the babies. So neat to see!

I'm sorry for Megan's baby's complications. I hope that all goes well for them!

My sister's baby was born in June with HLHS (he doesn't have a left side of his heart). It is amazing the proceedures the doctors have been inspired to develop to help the little babies. He's had 2 surgeries and is growing and smiling and just the cutest little cutie ever. I'm so grateful to live in such a time as this.
November 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany
Poor Megan. I can't imagine finding something like that out. They will certainly be in my prayers.

Your pictures are beautiful. You DO have camera skills!
November 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commentermandy
Oh so much to comment on! First, Angie's babes are so darling, and I love the pictures of them. They just look so warm and dreamy.

Then Lily is a doll baby!

And, that seriously looks like a miniature Tyler holding Ryder. Crazy!

And lastly ... I am so sad to hear about Megan's baby! She put some comment on my blog about how it had been a sad day, and I've been checking her blog like mad to figure out why, and hoped it was nothing serious. But, this is too serious! She and her baby will absolutely be in our prayers. As scary as it is to find out, what a blessing that we live in an age where they can find this out before he is born, and be prepared and ready to fix him when it's time. And, I have come up with no solutions to the helping when they're far away problem. It absolutely stinks to want to do something tangible and not be able to.
November 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
Oh, Amy, my heart breaks with Megan's news. All sorts of memories flooded my way, as we were so far away from family with our little Jim and our heart baby Jayson. There were definitely hard times, but blessings by the score too. I want to help. I'm good for a plane ticket for you and I'll be looking forward to having A and D at my house so you can go back there when she needs you. Maybe that would do a little to pay back all who helped us some 32 years ago when we had a similar scenario. Love ya. We'll add her to our prayers.
November 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKay
BABIES! I love the photos! I can't believe the differnece in appearance for the twins! What a treat to photgraph such beauties!
I will call the temple tomorrow and put Megan's name down with her baby as well. Keep us posted.
November 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPrice Cream Parlor
Oh Kay, your comment made both Jim & I teary...especially because of it being Jayson's birthday week, I suppose. Jim already said exactly that - your little family was truly alone & grew so strong during that time, I'm sure. And I'll definitely take you up on watching the boys when I visit Megan. I can easily leave them, knowing you love them as much as I do!

Thank you, Lisa..that is something I haven't done.
November 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAmy
First off you take amazing photos!

I am so sorry to hear about Megan's news. We will definately pray for them and their baby boy. I know that doctors are amazing and what they can do is amazing. I have a friend whose baby was born with heart problems and it was truley amazing and a miracle all that they did for him. Now he is a healthy 5 yr old. We will keep Megan's family in our prayers for sure and I can watch your boys too! They are angels.
November 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterShanon
Tom and I are extremely grateful and humbled by all the comments and prayers for our baby. We can not express how grateful we are for the love and support that is out there for us. Thank you.
December 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMegan
This was such a touching post. Made me go "a-pondering." The babies are beautiful, and your thoughts are too. I know the Lord will be watching over your nephew and Megan and her little family too. I loved all your reflection on miracles, and hope you see many more in the coming months.
December 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterApril
Oh I LOVE the pictures of Angie's girls... I ADORE Angie!!
December 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMaryRuth
Beautiful babies. Beautiful pictures.
One of my best friends went through what Megan is going through. I'll pray things work out as well for Megan as they did for my friend: she has a happy healthy five year old now.
December 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBarb
Can you email me a name to put on the prayer roll at the Timpanogos Utah Temple? I'm so sorry to hear about the complications. My son who is now 3 was born at 33 weeks and it was a rough pregnancy. I was blessed to keep him in there that long.
December 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAprilyn
You are so right, every pregnancy, birth and baby is a miracle. It's seriously a wonder that any of us made it out healthy and alive, there's just so much that can go wrong. We are so blessed to live in this time with such great medical technology. My nephew was born 3 months early, weighing only 2 pounds, but is now a healthy 6 year old with no delays.

I'll pray for them too.
December 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJill
Beautiful pictures! Not blob-ish at all!

So scarey about Megan's baby. She is lucky to have such a supportive family!
December 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMarie
They're all the cutest babies! I love babies! I wish I could have gone up to Utah for Ryder's blessing, but I did hear that we get to meet him at Christmas - yahoo!
December 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandi
Okay, when I read your post I must have just gotten distracted and totally didn't read the last paragraphs about Megan until I just visited her blog and saw that you had written. It was a stressful week, but I know that she and Tom will be blessed to be able to handle whatever comes their way.
December 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandi

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