spt: it's ornamental

Christmas trees make me overly sentimental as it is, so it's probably a good thing that I have no ornaments from my childhood. Sitting, looking at the tree - that is the time when my mind swirls over the past the most - the time when I most miss the snug closeness of my own siblings and parents - the time when I most forget that I'm the mom and it's now my job to create a measure of that same Christmas magic for these littles in my keep.
Last year I added this bird to our tree:
But I was surprised to see one of my other favorite ornaments also bears a bird motif. It is one of about a dozen ornaments that make me smile most when they emerge from a little white Smithsonian box nestled in with the rest of Christmas. Relics from my D.C. days.
I love these both..though not in such a sentimental way. Because you can't really compete with the homemade, Cyndee-painted salty dough ornaments that we'd secretly lick when she wasn't looking. Or the ice skater couple with bendable limbs that Megan daily arranged into different questionable positions. Or the reindeer we made out of clothespins, Christmas Carol figurines that reminded of our favorite holiday story, the angel Megan painted black and I deemed "the angel of death". Here comes the Christmas nostalgia. Again.
But give us ten years and I'm sure my own tree will be similarly storied...as my little clan grows Christmas to Christmas together as a family.
Reader Comments (23)
I'm laughing at your stories of ornaments past -- the angel of death and the inappropriate skaters. So funny. I have sentimental attachment to ornaments, too. My parents gave us boxes of ours when we grew up. It makes me a little sad that they're not all together. I think Josh's skis miss my matching sled. I ridiculously humanize everything!
(I know.Great English skills I have) I think it's even
more magical and sentimental because we only see these
treasures 1 time a year for maybe a month long period!
Your bird made me remember a funny story I remember from growing up. We had a few bird ornaments on our tree. One day we came home and found a fake ornament bird in pieces on the living room floor. Our cat (she was normally an outside cat) had climbed the Christmas tree and "caught" the bird. Yikes!
You are a great story teller. Thank you for the glimpse.