word of the week: sedulous

sedulous: /adj./ persistently or carefully maintained. diligent in application or attention. persevering, determined. plugging. tireless.
sedulous: /adj./ 1. Part of the joy of life in our little-but-growing- bigger-outskirts-town is that church buildings have been sparse. Okay, I know it sounds awful to claim that as a joy, but it does mean that church is relegated to a 2½ hour block. Until today, that is. Honestly, how bad could an extra half hour be? Well, I have two rather small children. Pants can be wet in an extra half hour. Fits can be thrown in an extra half hour. I could bare my breasts to hundreds as D pulls at my shirt for an extra half hour. Not to mention the whole issue of having to sit through 40 minute lessons myself. Can my now child-trained brain really concentrate that long any more? I wasn't sure. But I was sure that I needed to be sedulous to make it through this new block. Miraculously, I learned that persevering wasn’t so difficult after all. And my children aren’t so young after all, either. Two hours of real gospel study with real people (who DID NOT see bra nor breast) was bliss. I look forward to a future of more sedulous Sunday study.
sedulous: /adj./ 2. In college we listened to a song called “my insatiable one”…and it readily comes to my head when my boys with bottomless pits clear off the dinner table. When I read this word of the week, the song popped into my head with a new word inserted. The definition instantly brought Davyn to mind, followed the tune & words: “he is my sedulous one". Because...well, he is. Persistent, plugging, tireless, diligent. Words full of boundless potential and wild progress, yes. But try them on a 2-year-old and you just might rethink their value. His sedulous side definitely comes hand-in-hand with a will that refuses to bend.
sedulous: /adj./ 3. This week I need an injection of sedulous Christmas carding. Otherwise, at this point, the cards simply won’t happen at all. I can do it. I can do it. I will persevere.. determined.. plugging along, tirelessly… Or perhaps I’ll just set “my sedulous one” to the task and you’ll open your mailbox soon to a picture of Batman escorting Mary to the stable on My Pretty Pony. Could be interesting. Could be.
Reader Comments (11)
I'm glad the extra 30 minutes of church didn't lead to any nudity. That is quite a consequence. I don't imagine we will ever have a need for a compressed schedule like that in our neck of the woods. I am excited to move to 11:00 in a few weeks. But, that's probably only because I'm not in nursery any more. That time shift there will be brutal, I'm sure.
I, too am working on Christmas cards. I can't believe how many I have to make this year. I just keep hoping I will be bitten by a creativity bug.
Today we had our tithing settlement so we had to drive back to church a couple hours after leaving. Carter and Aimee were none too impressed. "We already went to church today!" But they were happy they weren't in store for another three hours of attempting reverence. So funny.
Oh, this picture of Davyn just steals my heart. I couldn't begrudge him anything.
And DITTO on the Christmas cards. I am in serious trouble over here too. Good luck on your side of town. When you get discouraged, remember I absolutely need a Scott card on my wall.
By the way, thanks for your comments yesterday. That was a pretty hefty task, so I'm especially flattered that you'd muck through all those details. It was a phenomenal experience, and I think I might just love Asia now too!:)
I love that you celebrate Hanukkah! What a wonderful tradition.
And happy blogging anniversary! (now that I posted about exclamation points I realize how abundant they are in my comments.) It's funny how these seemingly strange starts for relationships are some of the best ones. I'm not a hugger either, and I certain don't share my feelings with people and yet here we are open up so easily online (and taking so many pictures).