how much is enough?

When it comes to sleep, I don't think any answer suffices. I slept a record full 12 hours last night. This doesn't happen. Jim has a stay-up-all-night disease and I have a want-to-go-to-bed-together issue, so I typically end up dragging my body into bed well beyond its ready state. Then I'm grumpy and blame him, which makes absolute sense to a sleep-deprived mind.
Sometimes I do go to bed alone early (or early in comparison to his beyond midnight). When he shows up hours later ready to talk, cuddle, whatever, I turn demonic. I seldom remember these heavy-lidded rants, but in the morning he shares. I grimace and nod because, although memory is fogged by dreams, I know my evil side well enough to know that it's all too true.
Last night Jim miraculously didn't feel well, so I happily went down with him at 8:30. Yes, I exult in his illness because it brings me extra hours of beloved sleeping delight by his side. I'm not nice. Or perhaps it's just that I honestly can't function without sleep. There are those who get this and those who don't. It's not a choice thing, as in - I choose sleep over Jim. It's simply I can't choose Jim unless I have chosen sleep first.
"That we are not much sicker and much madder than we are is due exclusively to that most blessed and blessing of all natural graces, sleep." Aldous Huxley.
I get that, Aldous. Now I just have to convince my Jim.
Reader Comments (13)
Marc Chagall
Marc Chagall
I'm with you Amy -- I need sleep to function and be a decent human being. I have a friend who gets 4 hours of sleep every night, and she is busy and happy and good. I would be a homicidal zombie. Occasionally, I will fall asleep on the couch, and when the hubs wakes me up to go to bed I am very mean to him and don't remember it in the morning. Sleep is good!
It is not you but Jim who is demonic in those late night hours when he wakes you to talk. Doesn't he know how important your REM sleep is!
I used to need Brett to go to sleep with me, but then I realized I hate him at night. I will not go to bed until he is asleep. When he stays up late I have to as well because either he wakes me with his noisiness and I can't get back to sleep or I lie in bed for hours boiling with anger by the minute as he thrashes our bed.
So I blame him for my insomnia (not that he takes the blame). Sleep is essential and anyone who messes with someone else's sleeping patterns should be beaten, or at least have to deal with the evil rants that insue :).
I am not a cuddler. I hate to have anyone touching me when I'm sleeping. A few years ago I convinced the hubs to get a king sized bed. I am a much happier person. He feels like I sleep in another time zone, but oh well. The sleep is worth it.
JoDee, don't write about you & Megs having fun. It makes me jealous!
As for King size beds, I don't know how any marriage could survive without one. We even use separate blankets. He wraps up like a burrito & I can't stand that. I'm all about cuddling before bed, but then need freedom & space once we're sleeping.
Kel, you may not cuddle, but has Keith ever been introduced to your door dancing??! Now there's a make it or break it!