Christmas past

I’m stunned by how quickly the present becomes the past. Swoosh. December is gone, leaving memories and whiplash in its wake. The whiplash will demand soothing soon enough, but for now I’ll pen the memories into permanence.
For me it was a holiday of miracles, family & delight.
The Turkey Miracle.
Knowing full well that I would not have much time to pull together Christmas dinner (I hosted for my fam & some friends at my house), we shipped our happy little 23 lb turkey to the meat processing shop down the road. They cure & smoke the little beasties until they come out tasting little like turkey and everything like moist & flavorful divine. When I dropped off the bird they weren’t sure about the smoking “when”, so said they would call me with pick up info later. Well, the weekend came and there had been no phone call. Saturday was a full day out of both fun & need-to-finish. We tried to call the place throughout the day, left messages, prayed little prayers. No luck.
When we got home at 4:00, there was a 1:30 message on the machine. “Um, just wondering if you’re going to pick up your turkey. We close at 3:00 today.” I listen twice, trying to dissuade panic. No time or space for spiraling. Everything’s okay. Everything’s okay. “Jim, I’m going to drive over to the meat processing place for a sec…” I get there, run to the door & read the sign “Merry Christmas - Closed Sunday & Monday”. Breathe, breathe, no spiraling. No panic. I’m trying so hard. I come home to tell an effortlessly calm Jim (damn him!). “We’ll figure something out,” he assures. I e-mail the store, pleading with them to free my imprisoned Christmas turkey, then go to bed.
Sunday morning Jim writes a note to post on the shop’s door…just in case. He drives away and through some amazing combo of luck & tender mercy drives back with our turkey. Random events brought the bird home. The butcher’s nephew’s car broke down. Coming home from helping The Nephew, The Butcher stopped to check on The Animals behind The Shop. He had been there a few minutes, was leaving in a few minutes, and this happened to coincide with the time that Jim came. Thank you for the Tender Mercy & for my Calm Jim.
Funny side note – before we had even related our fiasco, our friends who came for dinner yesterday told us they received some weird phone messages from some weird person on Saturday about picking up a turkey. Um…that was us. Our desperate calls had all been to the wrong number.
I’m overwhelmed when I consider how blessed I am in family & friends – and that the two categories merge so perfectly. My family are my dearest friends.
On Christmas Eve we went to Jim’s parents’ house. We ate, talked, chased 2 very tired little ones and read Luke 2. We went on to Cyn’s house to spend the night. The boys woke up around 7, then we headed back to the Scotts’ at about 9:30 for breakfast and presents. At 12:30 we went home to prep for dinner, then Mandi’s family & Cyn arrived at about 3, and stayed until 9. Beautiful days with people we Love.
Delight. The delight came in rounds.
Jim’s delight was actually the earliest. He took advantage of my incapacitated flu state on Thursday when a big box arrived at the door. He opened it to find his gift – two swords (the scimitars used by Drizzt Do’Urden in our favorite fantasy books). He did a little two sword dance for me that appeased my angst at having his best presents opened so long before Christmas.
Second round had to be MY Delight. Most women dream of expensive jewelry or designer labels. Not me. I dream of kitchen. Stainless steel gives me chills. Blenders, mixers, processors make my knees weak. On Christmas Eve eve (can you call it that?!) when I was baking my Yule Log (meringue mushrooms & all), Jim came in the room with a big bag of Sur La Table – kitchen nirvana. The first thing he pulled out was kitchen twine. I squealed in delight, then we laughed at my nerd level, imagining anyone else in the world opening a gift of kitchen twine and the resultant “um…thanks”. But my excitement was genuine. Then came a mandoline with a ceramic blade – imagine cutting paper thin potatoes or beets! Next was a microplane zester/grater. Last - the mother of all – a chef’s coat. I am by no means a chef, but I love to be in my kitchen Trying. Now I can do it in style. Thank you, Jim – for the gifts & for knowing me so well.
My delight was doubled when I opened the gift from Mike & Kay (Jim’s parents) on Christmas – a scroll saw. I have wanted a scroll saw for years. Watch out, wood. Fun projects will come.
The boys were dumbfounded with delight. Seriously, Aidan basked in the magic, but Davyn had huge trouble taking it all in. We couldn’t get him to even look at us when we tried to take pictures Christmas morning.
He was awed by Santa’s gifts. I was awed by everyone’s generosity to these two little guys. It touches me to see how much love is given to them. I am grateful to have family with such a rich supply of Love & generosity.
Aidan flits from gift to gift today, but I think he was most excited to wake up and build his birdfeeder with Jim. Davyn did flit all morning as well, but is now zonked out in bed. I could use a long winter’s nap myself.
There is so much more to be said about Christmas…so much more was felt & enjoyed. I am grateful for a time of year when everyone wants to be kinder, gentler, more loving, more generous. But most of all I am grateful for the remembering of Christ and His life & birth. I was listening to Christmas music during the Christmas Eve eve baking, and heard “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing”. I’ve sung the song millions of times, I’m sure, but this time the words stood out. “God and sinners reconciled”…there is certainly rejoicing to be done in that.
Swoosh. Next Christmas may be here tomorrow.
Reader Comments (12)
Sounds like you had a great Christmas. I'm glad you got your turkey despite all the panic. I realized late Sunday night I had not bought Santa candy. But that at least I could live without. My favorite part is spending time with my family who are my friends too.
Have fun resting up for the new year.
Beautiful words about your Christmas delights. Thanks!
And yes, the turkey was good. We're still enjoying.
And, it's really too bad you didn't video tape Jim's scimitar dance. That would have been a fun thing to share. :)