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Entries in Christmas (3)


2 of my 3 wouldn't come within three feet of Santa

any guesses?

the "in line" faces say it All.


behind Christmas

I don't know how we got, that is.  Today I glanced at the dry erase planning calendar kept by my refrigerator and laughed to see November still unerased.  No record of the fullness of this December..and I strangely have little picture proof that it past either.  I really should move forward, but I simply don't have the heart to erase the November in favor of January.  Yet. 

I like to think I'll start 2008 ultra-organized, poised to conquer...But my pace of operation seems a bit more on the "behind" side of the timeline. So I'll look back to document snippets of our holiday week:

5:00 pm Sunday night (Christmas eve eve).  Driving to the temple to see the lights with all the Scott's.  But the picture also represents fairly well how I've felt for over a week now.  Hard-earned tired.  We were able to spend lots of time with family on both sides (Tyler & Gina were here from UT and we even managed to con them into a family sleepover!!), but it did takes its toll on the sleeping patterns of my babes (and self).  

1207%20Christmas%20pj's.jpg On Christmas eve we had some family & friends over for dinner.  Cyndee bought a beautiful prime rib roast and for the sake of all of you vegeterians I'll leave out the picture, but can't leave out that it was divine. 

When the house was emptied of company, the four of us sat for a quiet moment in front of the Christmas tree.  The boys opened their pajamas and actually posed for me (this is a big step...they are hating my camera lately! drat!).  Jim calls these smoker p.j.'s...I love the old-fashioned variety.  

IMG_4048.JPG About 9 hours later they were similarly posed on the stairs, waiting to come down and see if Santa really came.  A's excitement was tangible, but D was more overwhelmed once they got downstairs.  He had been asking for a "big boy bike", but wouldn't even look at it for the longest time.  Instead he retreated to his comfort zone - a puzzle and an apple.

Eventually we made him confront the bike...and were at first confronted with a "no", but then he warmed to the idea of sitting on it.  And even managed a smile.  But once all the presents ended and the boys ran outside, I looked out the window to see him doing laps not on the "big boy bike", but on his old tricycle.  Of course.

Jim coaching A on the finer details of race track car controlling.  I could never manage to not throw the car clean off the track. 

After playing at home for a bit, we packed up & headed over to Jim's parent's house.  It was a momentous Christmas for us because both of Jim's grandmas were there to spend the day.   

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Daniel and Tonya gave Grandma Hulsey this Steve Nash jersey.  She's a big Nash fan.  And Jim and Grandma Scott were gracious enough to pose for this picture that I love. 

And Mike was even more gracious to his boys in giving them all golf clubs.  I love that these brothers have started playing together.  Particularly because my own grandpa (at 94!) is still out there playing with his brothers once a week (a 50 year tradition!). 

Unwrapping was serious business to the boys this year.  I say *hurrah* to the first time in years that I haven't had to unwrap any presents for any little ones.  Our boys are definitely growing up. 

And I say double *hurrah* for the first time in years that I've actually had a nap on Christmas day.  I zonked out on Mike & Kay's couch upstairs while they played with the boys below.  A blessed, blessed gift.  

When we made it home (around 8), my family came to my house.  We didn't want to miss our last chance to see Tyler & Gina & their cute boys before they went back home on Wednesday.  The girls played cards, the boys PS3, and we set the kids up with a movie.

Noah T., Davyn, London, Wyatt, Savannah (Wesley & Aidan were wrestling on another chair)

I took this picture fully expecting it to be the *before* version of a 10 minutes later picture of them all fast asleep.   Well, the *after* only happened for Davyn.  But we definitely couldn't begrudge the rest of the littles this cousins time.  They truly delight in playing together.

And I truly delighted in the time spent with all of those that I love this Christmas.  

And in remembering and telling and re-telling to my boys the purpose of this all - the Love of a Father above who sent His son to this world to live and die for us.  I want them to remember that babe in Bethlehem.  The mother who bore Him.  Her husband who took Him as his own.  The shepherds who came to adore and behold.  The wise men who followed the stars.  This is why we celebrate Christmas.

To remember.  

And move forward.  


snow & lightsabers & such

This is London.


On Christmas morning she is in for BIG TIME disappointment.


We were talking a few days back and she (in the *very knowing* way that only a girl child can truly master) told me about her upcoming Christmas. 

"First, we will wake up and open presents.  Then we will go outside and play in the snow."   

I attempted to explain the fundamental truth that southern Arizona Christmases aren't white.  Ever.  

The response (again, all-knowing):  "No.  We are playing in the snow on Christmas."  I so wish I could similarly dismiss stark reality with a confident, cursory "No".


On the home front, I've just begun worrying about Christmas disappointment.  The price of finishing my shopping early, no doubt.  A month ago, when I asked Aidan what he wanted Santa to bring him, the list topper was a Volcano.  I swallowed hard, wondering how I could possibly make that dream come true.  Then I turned to my dear friend Google, checked that off the list, waited for the package on my doorstep, and patted myself on the back.

Now, suddenly, Aidan has discovered that he absolutely, positively needs a red lightsaber for Christmas.  He wanted me to be sure to tell Santa.  "I just want him to bring me a red lightsaber."  Darn that "just". 


Luckily, my child's disappointment is mendable within $20.  Poor Mandi needs a crash course on commanding the elements.