Honestly, my mood yesterday precluded *happy* halloweening, thus the double question marks in the title. I wasn't in a festive spirit. We carved zero pumpkins. Put up no decorations this month. All energy has been consumed in doing what seems like a very crummy job of mothering three humans. My boys are having adjustment issues I never anticipated...and my parenting efforts feel mediocre at best. But that's a whole other post {or book?}. How I Ruined my 4-Year-Old's Life with an Absurd Level of Impatience.
BUT this too shall pass
SO, on to the good stuff...Cyndee & Megan hosted the Halloween festivities for all of the Hendrix cousins. The whole dinner spread was quite lovely, but I particularly liked that Cyn hallowed out some pumpkins to house the salsa and dips. ![](/storage/dips.JPG?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1257123778551)
I knew I'd be having a baby sometime in October, so I asked my boys in early September to make their Halloween decisions. Davyn's was easy.
"I want to be a fire fighter for Halloween. And for real life."
![](/storage/Halloween 09 Davyn small.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1257122988305)
We've known this intended career path for a good six months now. And have learned to work it in our favors. When he doesn't want to take something upstairs, professing that he's tired...I shake my head solemnly with a "that's too bad. Fire fighters have to be really good at carrying heavy things up stairs." When he'd rather watch tv than run around outside with A. "Oh man...firefighters have to be able to run so fast."
Yes, I should write a book on manipulative parenting.
{And a sequel in 20 years about all of the negative side-effects. What I Didn't Know Then.}
Aidan's Halloween decision is more of a sad story. Reminder: the boy is 6. His pragmatism makes me worry that he's losing his sense of wonder. of magic. of excitement.
I was fairly amused last month when I asked about costumes. His response: "I don't see why we need to buy anything new. I'll just be batman because I have a batman suit already and I never wore it for any Halloween before." No smiles. No life. All blandness in his tone.
And then it got worse on Monday. At Family Home Evening we were discussing plans for the upcoming week. I mentioned the trunk-or-treat activity on Friday. His response: "Let's not go to that. It's not like we need more candy. We always get way too much." But don't you want to just go to have fun? His response: shoulder shrug.
Halloween malaise is notthe worst ailment in the world. In fact, if one holiday had to be dropped, it would be right up there after St. Patrick's day (pinching??) on my list. Still. I don't want Aidan to be a grumpy old man.
At six.
![](/storage/Halloween 09 cropped Aidan small.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1257123016996)
But all I have to do to allay that worry is see him running around with his cousins. They play & play & play. And he easily loses himself in that play. Perfectly six.
Cousin time has been less frequent lately, but it's something my boys relish. One of the hardest events of my 2009 had to be when Mandi & her family moved away from the neighborhood. We used to see them as part of our daily life. Now it is much more rare.
Here are the cute Waller girlies in their Halloween costumes:
And one of the best events of my 2009 has been my sister Megan moving to the valley. Renewing our acquaintance with these cousins has been a joy.
Here are the cute Chambers boys in their Halloween costumes:
All month I've been saying..."next year I'll decorate".."next year we'll carve pumpkins".."next year I'll add homemade flair to their costumes."
But now I realize that "next year" I'll have a one-year-old. And a hundred more false starts to add to my parenting annals..after 365 more days of Up & Down.
Megan and Cyndee both dressed up for the trick or treating last night. One, a spooky witch. One, a nice witch. I know both ends of that spectrum quite well. So perhaps the truth of "next year" will merely see me openly embracing my inner witch. I haven't worn a costume on the outisde in years. You'll just have to wait to see if I'm green or glittery.