the state of this Blog...and an FHE idea

I recently freaked out, realizing that so many important events and memories are recorded on my blog. It was definitely my primary source for journaling when the boys were little. Wanting to preserve it in a hard copy, I've started the (very long!) process of turning it into a book.
As I've gone back and re-read this blog from Day 1, so many thoughts have rushed through my head. I've laughed at the chaos that once reigned over each day with two busy little men. I've breathed sighs of relief that those days are done, then cried at the thought that I'll never hold those two mini monsters in my arms again. Their legs are now long and their faces have thinned, and I face the realization that we've outgrown that phase forever.
Surprisingly, what I never supposed possible (in those tumultous days) is true. Life is even MORE busy with them grown a bit. Still, I don't want it to slip by unwritten. I want to record this stage as well as I did that one. And I want life with Miss Mae in the mix to make its mark, too. I love this little family I am blessed to call Mine.
So I'm making a vow (Andee!) to post once a week.
And that's easy to do today. Because last night was one of those perfect {and rare!} family nights. After reading over my patriarchal blessing a few months ago, I was hit anew with the profound responsibility I have to teach my children. I want them to love the gospel and teach it with ease on their missions and in their lives. So we started what I hope will become a regular FHE feature.
I let them each choose a Gospel Art Kit picture. They then have 5 minutes to review the story depicted and devise a short talk and testimony related to it. Then we go around sharing our talks. Jim and I went first, so they'd have models. The first time we did this was about two months ago...they loved it & the spirit was present.
Last night we did it again. This time I told them they needed to focus on a gospel principle in their talk. Davyn spoke about Enos and the principle of Prayer. Aidan shared the story of Samuel the Lamanite and the principle of Prophets testifying of Christ. And they each bore testimony. Jim shared a picture of Lehi and Nephi, and bore testimony of how the gospel pierces hearts through the mouths of multiple witnesses. Lehi taught great & powerful doctrines. Nephi prayed about his father's teachings and then bore witness to their truth. Over & over. Jim's talk spiraled us into a discussion about how this is the teaching pattern they will follow on their missions.
I was struck with a confirmation that this FHE teaching practice will be a powerful way to prepare my children to be great gospel teachers. Right now their talks follow this pattern: Share a scripture story, point out the gospel principle in that story, bear testimony of that specific principle. Eventually we will add more to this - a scripture, a personal experience, etc. But my true hope is that they'll be prepared to speak at moment's notice and be comfortable speaking of spiritual things.
The other highlight of our night was when Azure robustly sang "Choose the Right" with us. Her little vocal chords usually only make their appearance on "Popcorn" or "Itsy Bitsy Spider", so it was a real treat to hear her belting out the repeated line: "Choose the Right."
Reader Comments (3)
And I love the b-day cake and pictures. So wish I could have been there!