blog woes

I miss blogging.
And I'm not talking about cake and cookie posts. Those were never the prime intent of this blog. (but here is a glimpse of the giant birthday cake I made a few weeks back)
I miss delving into the details of the little people I'm helping to grow. I want to write their stories, record their quirks and crazies...remember all the moments that seem to be slipping through my mind like sand through open fingers.
So here is a catch-up that obviously does no justice to all I've missed...
Aidan is in a book-devouring mode. He has consumed over 1500 pages in the past three weeks. And still manages to savor every daylight moment kicking a soccer ball in the backyard. He couldn't be pulled away from watching the NFL draft last week...knowingly discussing each pick and option with his dad. I watched, dumbfounded. Where did he learn all of this? How in the world did I help form the beautiful brain that could hold such foreign fascinations?
Davyn is a bit more relatable these days. He started piano lessons a few months ago. He delights in studying the notes, clapping out the time, practicing the songs...but disdains imperfection. Corrections from mom are not well-received. I worry and wonder how to help. His schoolwork gives him no practice with mistakes. Every grade in every subject has been 100% all year. He has missed nothing. Ever. I'm worried that his ability to deal with failure when it comes will be highly underdeveloped.
D loves to sit side by side and work with fondant when I do cakes. He modeled all of these figures for this little farm cake that he entered in a school contest. I was very impressed with his decorating. I covered the little cake and board, put down the sand, pond and mud. The rest was D.
Azure is a delight. She lives for being outside. And the backyard is indeed her Wonderland. Of course this means that she takes her fair share of trips and tumbles. But people always comment on how resiliently she simply hops up and moves forward with no fussing or tears. No time for that when there's a big, wide world to be explored. She so often reminds me of Aidan at this same age. But does have a more independent nature. She definitely does everything on her own terms.
One oddity in this third child of mine is a complete attachment to this blanket. It's not something I'm enjoying because the thought of losing this sleep & comfort crutch frightens me terribly.
Reader Comments (5)
I love that your boys are cake decorating too. The farm scene is already better than what I would manage. Did he win the contest?
Maybe summer time will bring more blogging time. Maybe? I'm not sure, in my case, but I'm hopeful!
Glad you updated. I've been missing your regularness.