zoo trip

Once upon a time {in February} there was a Monday holiday. Tyler invited us to join them at the zoo. I hesitated because I was cold, and it is well-known among my family that I have a slim zoo tolerance zone of 70-80 degrees. This day dipped well beneath that bottom number but I considered the company and eventually gave in..put on a coat..went. And had a thoroughly enjoyable day (and new definition of zoo temperature perfection).
Our zoo gang:
I'm a huge fan of these Hendrix nephews. My boys are, too. It has been fun to have them back in Arizona this year.
I love that Azure bonds with her grandmas, but on this trip I would have really loved to steal her away, to be the one pointing and whispering words into her tiny ears. She only wanted Grandma Cyndee.
I laughed when she was strollerbound and insisted on having map in hand for much of the visit. It reminded me of the last time we went...when the boys spent more time studying the map than the animals.
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