we have a crawler

the movement has been in the works for weeks, but as of this morning it's official. perhaps it was the combined impetus of D trailing her and me holding a bottle five feet away, but the girl crawled. and did so quickly.
both of the boys moved backward before they were able to move forward. not this girl. she's all about forward and onward. and it does indeed make me a little nervous for the inevitable change of pace. my girly lives for the thrill of new sights and sounds.
but sometimes she would prefer to toss the new in favor of the old & known. I recently threw her for a loop by removing the bumper from her crib. and suddenly the girl who has slept solidly through long nights since teeny times is waking up multiple times. when her movements land her by the cold wood jail bars that were once plush pleasure for her nighttime cuddle needs.
it's a cruel, cruel world.
I've similarly been punishing Jim of late. it's not intentional. but I have a newfound love for {and habit of} a made bed. which threw him for a loop. quite understandably, I say. you think you know someone after 2735 days of marriage. and then she suddenly slams a hammer into your sleeping pattern by making you *share a blanket*...*sleep straight*...*touch periodically in the night*. he initially had nightmares. and blamed the new arrangement. but now I think he's growing accustomed.
..as Azure will to her bars.
..as I will to her crawling.
Family life - {this chaotic, ever-changing reality of living heart-attached with other humans} - definitely keeps us all on our toes.
Azh with her cousin Noah T.
Reader Comments (7)
I remember that "holy crap" moment when Ry started crawling. I was so excited and proud of her newest accomplishment and then uneasy at the thought of all that she would begin exploring on her own.
Ahh...change can be hard. I've always heard that you are supposed to take the bumper off when they start to pull up (if not before). Hopefully she gets over her change soon. :)
Ethan's standing and pushing things. Walking will be next. Aak!
I am completely smitten with D saying that he needs to be a reader before kindergarten. How adorable is that?
I am in awe of your latest cake (as usual). At first glance, I thought those were real brooches! So clever! And I think the tiara is the perfect finishing touch of bling. You are a wonder.