going through Aidan's papers

My first grader comes home with a. lot. of. paper. Inevitably, there's a daily pile left on the couch or table or floor each morning as he re-sorts his backpack. I quickly sift through, keep what needs keeping, but toss most of it.
I was about to toss this one, but then actually stopped to read the sentences. Which were alarming. Nevermind the poor spelling and handwriting, look what happens in my son's brain when he has to write his own sentences with these four words: babies, parties, stories, ladies.
The "I have stories in my underwear" is alarming, but a typical Aidan shock statement. My real worry is in the next line. The one with double exclamation marks.
I officially have two boys who get positively dreamy about beautiful women. 2 out of 2. Ages 6 and 5. It seems like this shouldn't happen until 14 at the earliest. Aren't all females supposed to have cooties at this stage?!
What to do?
Reader Comments (17)
I totally love reading these vocabulary word sentence assignments. In first grade Emerson wrote, "Girl, you huge." for the word huge. We about died. It's so funny to me to see what their little minds come up with.
I'm liking Kelly's "hot" suggestion. After all, those ladies are at a park in Arizona!
That baby is so cute! 6 months comes way too fast. Her hair is a lot darker than I thought it was.
And I loved your SPT picture. The goings-on in the background made it perfect!
I think we are in trouble, you and I.
Whitney always had a load of papers in her backpack too and I don't think she'd ever clean them out without my encouragement. I like to look at them all to see what she has written and to see the pictures she has drawn because I love to find little bits like you did here. I scan them and put them in a Smugmug gallery then put the papers in the recycling bin.
Sure miss you - guess what? I'm finally in YW!!! - I'm the Mia Maid Adivsor - this Sunday will be my first day in YW EVER!!! So excited :)
Talk soon-
Love the writing. Fun you thought to take a photo of that!! He will love that later!!! I am impressed at his writing!!! So fun...
Looks like you've got some Casanovas on your hands:)
I usually cull through all of Eva's papers and keep only my very favorites, but she found one in the trash the other day and said, "Mom! How could you?!" Oops.