"a little genius"

The Kindergarten teachers flocked to my car when I picked up Davyn one afternoon this week. "You have a little genius, and he really should be in 1st Grade." I quickly shushed the praise because the "genius" is getting a big head with all the attention in class. Where he reads directions to the other kids. And makes up his own directions for a challenge. This is what he's been doing on their daily worksheets:
The students are supposed to write the first letter of the word represented by the picture.
I know his abillity to read and spell are uncanny for his age, but what cracked me up the most about this sheet was:
1. How in the world does a 5-year-old boy know how to spell "lipstick"?
2. Check out the Sun that he colored. Typical D style - a simple yellow or orange won't suffice. He shades, highlights, and blends. And that one little sun probably took a full five minutes.
Oh, my boy.

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