why I love my husband

There are hundreds of reasons.
But this one has stood out to me most lately:
He is a phenomenal dad.
I was irretrievably smitten when I married the man. But I do remember having moments of lucidity during the courting. And in those moments I'd always worry about just that - Jim as a dad. He didn't like children much and expressed no interest in having any of his own.
But this was one area where I have been most surprised and most grateful.
He spends time and energy with each of these lucky three. And he teaches them.
On Monday he taught us a simplified lesson on Jacob 5, which is anything but simple. It was a chapter we had only skimmed over in our morning scripture study, and he wanted his boys to understand more. So he came home from work fully prepared with handouts and enthusiasm. Of course, the boys didn't understand the allegory fully, but they did understand that it was important to their dad. And the lesson ended with Aidan saying, "that was really interesting".
That night when Davyn knelt with me to pray, he said, "Bless us all so we can be good fruits."
Coming from the branch of my Jim, they have a good chance of being just that.
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