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    this & that

    I started this blog years ago to keep a record of my life, yes.  But also because I have a need, urge, inclination for thematic writing.  It keeps me in tune with myself.  And I suppose that's the plain & simple truth behind why my entries have been so sparse lately.  I am 100% not in tune with myself.  And my thoughts now come in infrequent dribbles rather than thematic streams.  In a word, I'm distracted.  You'd think on a third pregnancy I'd finally master how to build a tiny human and be a normal human simultaneously.  Not even close.

    My distraction manifest itself in the kitchen on Friday.  My friend Mandy's birthday and I wanted to make a little cake.  A simple thing..the work of a moment in my better days.  Well, Friday was not one of those better days.  First, I made the cake and it came out of the oven completely flat and hard.  A quick survey of my kitchen counter told me I had substituted baking powder for soda.  In a recipe I've made dozens of times.  Not acceptable.  So I tried again, fingers crossed, eyes double-checking each addition.  The timer buzzed and the layers looked perfect.  Until I grabbed one and dropped it upside down (onto the counter, luckily).  A complete mess.  I quickly tried to salvage the pieces by putting them back in the hot pan, pressing together and sticking it in the freezer.  But this meant that my cake would not have perfect sides.  So, remembering April's genius wedding cake from a few weeks back, I headed to the grocery store in search of pirouette cookies.   

    It was a good save, but far more effort than any 6" cake should require.

    In other non-thematic randomness...

    I need to get a good close-up of this boy in his baseball uniform.  Little League has turned out to be a bit more than I bargained for...first, the fundraising.  Don't even get me started there.  Then...the day before the first game they hand us a patch that needs to be stitched onto their uniform shirt.  What?!  I knew the cub scout eventuality would require this of me for years, but that's still years away.  It took me a literal 40 minutes to handstitch the patch onto the arm of his shirt.  But the payment came in full when I tossed the finished product down the stairs and Aidan's little voice yelled up, "Thanks, Mom.  I knew I could count on you."  It seemed like such a mature, unexpected statement.  I would have happily sewn 10 patches for that comment alone. 

    Another A comment that had me thinking on how grown up he has become...after his first game, we hopped in the car and he said, "One of my classmates was on the other team, Mom."  Do you know how much I love that he said "classmate" instead of "a boy in my class"?  Do you know how much I love being "Mom"?  I can't begin to say. 

    further randomness...

    My boys have been long overdue for haircuts.  It's the story of our lives really.  So I've been trying to convince the two of them to buzz it all off.  They have adamantly refused.  Until...we saw Jenna last week and she told Davyn that Tyler (his favorite person in the multiverse) would come cut his hair.  Suddenly the whole buzz thing seemed just fine in his little mind.

    D has no ability to smile naturally for the camera in a posed picture.  He looks pained, but was actually quite happy.  Thank you Tyler & Jenna (for the haircuts and the visit!).

    It was then Aidan's turn.  And his favorite person took over.  Dad (of course).

    I was busy being stunned by the sheer amount of hair these boys had.  This was the pile on the floor after the two cuts:

    So I guess with a theme of randomness, it doesn't really matter how I end this post.  Still, it pains me not to come up with something that ties everything together neatly.  But I've now sat here for five minutes and it seems far more productive to simply call it a night.  My bed is a truly lovely spot.

    Reader Comments (15)

    I think the fact that this is your life is the theme that ties it all together nicely. Thematic writing is wonderful, but so is day-to-day life stuff and we miss you when you're not posting.

    Also, I can't imagine that just because it's your 3rd pregnancy it's any easier. If anything it should be harder because you have 2 other kids to take care of. I don't know how everyone does it. When I'm pregnant I am so exhausted that I just shut down completely. Not good.
    March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJill
    I think the cake looks awesome!! It's a million times better than I could have done and I'm not pregnant. Speaking of pregnant, I guess I haven't been reading your blog faithfully enough.

    Oh, and I have a solution to your hand stitching problem. It's a lovely product called Badge Magic. We have 3 of us in Cub Scout (and leader) uniforms so this has been a blessing!!
    March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAprilyn
    That you can be counted on by such a serious boy is high praise indeed.

    I love anything you write. Random or not.

    I'm trying really hard not to have a big head that I have inspired a master caker. Wow, that's tough. I will try to remember that you dropped your cake before salvaging it with my brilliant idea.
    March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterApril
    Yes, I've found that life is this & that sometimes. Things don't always fit into neat little packages tied with bows...which reminds me that your cake was a brilliant save...kind of like life sometimes. So fun when you can get it to come out beautiful and yum in the end. :)

    I am always amazed at how much influence a little little baby takes over your whole life.

    Why does little boy hair have to grow so fast?
    March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany
    Hey, I've missed you all so much!! I love to read your blog to catch up on your life, hopefully I will remake a blog soon. I also love the randomness, it rocks!!!!
    March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndee
    I'm glad you posted your cake story! I've been wondering if you ever have baking mishaps. But then again, I would have never been able to cover it up like you did!! But atleast I know you're part human when it comes to baking.
    March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJaime
    sorry ou are feeling so distracted...I have lots of days like that and I am NOT pregnant! the cake looks wonderful as well as those big boy haircuts!
    March 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkim sue
    I have a hard time posting when I don't have a "thing" to write about too. But, I enjoy your writing so much that you could write about sleeping (literally. Not the tossing and turning but the doing absolutely nothing) and I'd still find it readable.

    The cake. Delicious.

    The hair. Bounteous.

    Bed. Precious.

    Love it all:)
    March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLucy
    I have been thinking about you a lot lately and wondering how you are feeling.

    Your cake is beautiful. I would love to have that talent!
    March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMandy
    It's good to have an update! I love thematic writing as well, but somehow it rarely makes it onto my blog. It seems my life is more often this & that than anything clever.

    My third pregnancy was by far the most difficult. It was the last! It's just dang hard being pregnant, for all its beauty and wonder.

    I think your cake salvage was brilliant! And I love 6" cakes.

    I wonder at least weekly how little boys' hair can possibly grow so fast.
    March 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermichelle
    The cake is so pretty, and yummy looking. I don't think I can hang out with you this summer, I just checked your food blog, and us together is going to be lethal in the baking department. Miss you, your boys are so cute, and Davyn sports the buzz cut pretty well, not very many kids can pull that off without looking like a cancer patient (like Talin).
    March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMegan
    I love Mandy's cake! It really does look fabulous. And I love the boys' haircuts. Ready for 100 degree weather.
    March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMandi
    All my men have shaggy heads right now. It is time for me to get out those clippers again.

    The cake turned out beautifully, but I am sorry it stressed you so much. I have totally got to try the cookies around the edges look. It is so elegant.
    March 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMarie
    Thank you for the fabulous cake!!! I never would have known it was dropped-- it was perfect! Travis is begging me to get the recipe from you and that is something that doesnt happen all the time-- he is not a sweets person.
    Well, thanks again, I am so glad I get to be your friend. You are truely amazing and talented. Even when you are pregnant.
    March 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMandy Rohner
    That cake looks delicious! Love Adian and his baseball outfit. Of course your kids will use big words. And maybe we can get Tyler to cut Jake's hair. He HATES it!!
    March 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShanon

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