creative friday: kids edition

Michael and Tasha brilliantly gave Aidan a hands-on Christmas gift. A sock puppet-making kit, to be precise. So today was the day we pulled it out and invited Mandi and her girls over to create. Well, the kids' input only went as far as design because I wasn't about to let them touch the glue gun. So they spent the majority of the afternoon outside playing. But, Mandi and I did get creative on our own. So, here, they are..
Drumroll, please..
Our puppet creations!
Aidan's Alien Superhero.
Savannah's Butterfly.
Davyn's Snake.
And London's Supergirl.
And little Reagan sat in the stroller, pleased as punch to be part of the outside, big kid world.
We're enjoying true weather perfection, my friends. Remind me in July that this is why I love Arizona so.
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