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    December 1 rambling

    Something about that date has been shocking me all day.  Seriously? 

    Another shock came when I saw that my gas tank was empty.  As in the light was on when I got in the car and I have no clue when that happened.  But that wasn't the shock.  The shock came when I filled it up for $42.31.  A beautiful thing.  Seriously.

    But back to the whole "it's already December" thing.  Today I nixed Christmas cards from my to-do list.  Which is quite different from checking them off as done.  My rationalization:  everyone I'd send one to already reads this blog, hears excessive gushing about my boys, knows my daily dailies, is likely tired of my rants.  I can just write a few Christmas thoughts here later this month and send my love through cyberspace.  Right?  Please please say yes.  The nixing felt necessary.

    Tonight I took some pictures of Mandi's family.  And I'm nixing family pictures from my "want to learn how to" list.  One person I can handle.  Two, likewise.  Anything more and I'm at a loss for controlling the details.  Savs was looking down half of the time.  In 30-ish pictures.  How did I miss that?!

    When I got back from this mini excursion, it was dinner & Family Home Evening time. I wanted to set up our nativities and talk about Christ's birth to set the tone for the month ahead.  But we didn't even make it to the opening song before the boys were duking it on on the couch.  A full on fist fight.  I've never witnessed anything quite like it from them.  Jim said something about FHE being the only fight that begins and ends with prayer.  I laughed, but wanted to cry.  Because I really hope that's not the tone for our December. 

    But if that IS the harbinger of our holidays, it's definitely a good thing that I nixed the Christmas cards.  Who knows what might have arrived in your mailbox!

    Reader Comments (23)

    Those pictures are so cute! I am debating a Christmas card and agree 100% with you. We tried to take pictures om Sunday and they failed. I don't know why I even try. It's like I forget that they won't ever turn out.
    December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShanon
    Both of us had rambling December 1 posts today. Must be in the air!

    I think those pictures are gorgeous! You only need 1 to turn out to call it a success, and you definitely have more than that. Beautiful.

    I don't know what on earth I am doing for Christmas cards this year. I feel like I can't not do a card because there are a few who still are unaware that we've moved. But, my card list grew freakishly long because of the move. So, I'm pondering a photo card. And I'm not a photo card girl (not that there's anything wrong with that!!), I'm a painstakingly glue ribbon to each card sort of girl. And what to do for a picture. Oh, the angst. I got my first card in the mail today, so I'm really feeling pressure to at least decide on something.

    And oh, a FHE fistfight? I had visions of setting a tone for the season as well, but we ended up rocking out to some of the more rowdy Christmas tunes on my ipod. Well, some of us did, while the 2 stoic ones watched. Maybe next week.
    December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
    Amy those pictures are beautiful!! Really. (And I am not just saying that because I was going to call you tomorrow to see if we could set ours up.) And by the way, have you never been INVOLVED in a family picture? Only one ever turns out good.

    Love your ramblings and love love love your nixing the Christmas card. Your logic makes wonderful sense to me and I am all about simplifying during the holidays.
    December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRachel
    Oh Amy, don't give up on taking family photos . . . those are darling and it looks like you managed the three perfectly.

    I hear you on the Christmas cards. I had to decide the same thing last week when I realized we'd be sending out wedding announcments! Good swap, but it does leave me feeling a tad guilty for the older people on our list who live far away and don't use a computer . . . oh heavens, I need to stop or I'll guilt myself back into it and that simply isn't smart this year.

    FHE brawls . . . you could look at it this way, you got the "games or activities" portion over first!
    December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNeighbor Jane Payne
    Having tried to take family photos the other day I know exactly what you're saying. sure got some darling shots of your cute nieces!

    Love the gas fill-up! Yea! We're down to around $1.59 here. :)

    For some reason December's catching up quickly to me too. I still have my turkey decorations out.
    December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany
    Thanks for taking the pictures - I thought there were some cute ones! I think it's just extra hard with families when little kids are involved (no attention span - like Savy). I'm sure we'll pull a cute family one out of them though (I haven't even seen them yet, but I'm sure there's a good one in there).
    December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMandi
    Hey so I made the same choice no Christmas Cards this year. I just sent out baby announcements so I'm sure that counts right?
    December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRachel J
    After I had posted on your food blog I am thinking to myself that I knew who you were. Silly me. I don't know if I have ever had the opportunity to speak with you. Elyse is a good kiddo she loves being in YW. Your food blog is wonderful. I have one but I haven't done a lot with it. Time just get's away from me. In fact this morning as I was posting my blog I let my three youngest sleep in! OOPS! Luckily everything was ready for them except getting dressed, eating and brushing their teeth. Have a great day! Hugs, Bobbi Jo
    December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBobbi Jo
    I think your photo shoot was a great success!

    I'm all for nixing anything that's going to push you over the edge or ruin December for you.

    When I take pictures of little kids I sometimes use a little party horn they'll all look when I blow it (it takes some coordination to be framing and focusing while blowing the horn) but it usually works.
    December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJill
    WOW, that picture of the three of them is Beautiful!
    Well done!
    December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa M.
    The pics look great! So pretty!

    I can't decide if I should nix cards this year or not. The jury's still out, but I am certainly tempted. :)
    December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMandy
    I nixed Christmas cards last year. Haven't decided yet about this year.

    I think your photos turned out great! You only need one good one. The littlest one looks so much like your boys! I love their outfits as well.

    We've never had a FHE fist fight, but there's a first for everything...
    December 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermichelle
    The pictures are gorgeous, I wish I lived by you for your photo abilities, and cause I like you...a little...okay, a lot.
    December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMegan
    Those are awsome photos! Beautiful subjects and great photography! I hear you on the card issue...I don't really have any new news that would be exciting for anyone to read. Fighting, huh? Mike's boys get into it sometimes, but it's usually passive, like, "He's sitting on me and won't move." "Well, he's standing on my foot." I'm sure your December tone will get more jolly!
    December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKatie A.
    I am all for nixing anything that doesn't excite you about the Christmas season. And your FHE story is exactly what Steven is missing in not having a brother. We had to put him in hockey just to give him the release your boys have in eachother. I dont' understand it, I just know boys need it.
    December 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBarb
    That FHE story is something that many homes have on occassion, I am sure.

    I love your 'rambling' post. I was also shocked that it is really December already.
    December 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarie
    you have my permission to skip cards.

    and you have an extra hug coming from me-- for giving yourself permission to say NO to something. it is difficult to say no at any time of the year but at the holidays especially.

    i did not do blogger christmas cards last year and instead focused on making valentine's cards for my favorite women. feel free to do the same. it was very enjoyable for me b/c feb is such a different time. cold and blustery days keep me home and by the fireplace crafting cards. sounds great, right?

    we will do the usual photo cards out to family as we always do but this year we have cut our list dramatically.
    December 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercarlo
    Amy-you are so talented! Those pictures are fantastic. It doesn't hurt when the kids are so darn cute too. Way to go.
    December 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKrystal
    Well, I, for one, will sorely miss your Christmas card. Nix something else, I say.

    Your sister's family pictures are just darling, but I can't imagine how stressful that is as a photographer.

    We've had a few meltdowns at FHE...unfortunately, most of them have been mine.
    December 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterApril
    Hi, this is Jim's cousin (Gary and Inez's second child). I nixed the cards years ago and haven't regretted it one little bit. Every once in a while I will send a couple out to someone I WANT to get in touch with, but when all the kids were small, it was just too much stress. And now with my blog, it is like you say, everyone already knows.

    And FHE, it was always like that around here- 5 boys+ small space+2 sisters=chaos.
    December 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSandra
    Amy, you are a wonderful photographer! The pictures of the girls are amazing!!! Wow, they are beautiful.

    I was over at Kay's the other day. Wow! Her home is looking so beautiful.
    December 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle M.
    I hear you about needing to nix things on the list. But, I truly LOVE christmas cards. Planning them, taking photos, making a list, choosing address lables, addressing them, and then hearing from friends all over. But, I have nixed a couple of other things from my lists. For starters, my decorations are becoming simiplier and simplier.

    The photos are great. If you enjoy doing it, I wouldn't stop. Maybe just don't schedule any after Thanksgiving. My "yes" committments become very selective after T'giving.
    December 7, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim sue
    Amy, you are such an amazing photographer. Those pictures are GORGEOUS! (And I am not just talking about the girls...which they are...but I am talking about the quality and the overall look). I say if you feel like nixing the Christmas cards, then by all means nix it! I am loving the comment about FHE being the only fight that begins and ends with prayer. Ahh, you gotta love the boys. I'm glad I have just one.
    December 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSummer

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