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    spt: 100 list

    I missed last week, so here’s a double post…

    14. I love office supplies.

    Still true. It gives me great joy to have staples, push-pins, a variety of envelopes, file folders, even empty binders on hand. Just in case. And I’m not sure it falls precisely under the definition of office supplies, but it’s no small secret amongst those who know me well that I’m desperately attached to my laminator. As in, it just might make the short list of things I’d rush to retrieve from a burning building. Having the ability to laminate at a moment’s notice brings endless delight. It makes paper, words, a picture last forever.


    21. My bed is never made.

    I’m having an angry day (please tell me that you have them too!). And when this item popped up as 21 on my list, I wanted to protest. Because at this precise moment my bed looks like this:

    Let me point out some gruesome details. First, those pillows are caseless (and have been since the end of last week). Where are the cases?  In a stack of laundry still awaiting my attention.  It's an all-around sorry situation.  And, for clarification, the black spot in the middle is a ponytailer. And, yes,  I do realize that the fitted sheet is inching its way off the mattress.

    This whole scenario would not be so frustrating had I not declared myself a changed woman eight short months ago.  I boldly eschewed my bad bed attitude last February. Remembering this, I went off to search for that post this afternoon, to read my very own "hallelujah, changed forever" words with spite. Because I’m not changed forever. And it hardly matters that I truly meant it at the time.  Because the improvement of now making my bed 50% of the time is still a solid F in nearly any grading system.

    Yet.  I do love a tidy room.  With a love that wrestles deep-seated and long-held issues (of both cleaning & avoidance).

    Issues are hard to reckon with on an Angry day.

    Or any day.

    Which leads me back to #7.  

    Because I really like to laminate.

    And now I'll have this "clean bed" picture for always.  Not an A+, but enough (for now!) to assuage some afternoon anger.

    Reader Comments (22)

    I am so much happier when my bed is made AND I don't have laundry all over the floor! So about once a month.
    October 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShanon
    Oh dear Amy.......

    Our name isn't the only thing we have in common: I *heart* office supplies too and my bed looks almost exactly like yours!!!!!! Thank goodness the pillowtop holds the sheet on a little longer! :)

    But I DON'T have a laminating machine....
    Yet I want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmy
    My bed is ditto. I work night shift and my husband doesn't so it seems like a waste of time to be made for a brief few hours before one of us is back in it to sleep. Now put on your happy face ! b/c you laminated your nice made bed!!
    October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBarb
    Wow, I felt your angry post. Why is it so hard to make permanent changes? I've decieved myself into thinking I'm a changed woman at times as well. I guess if we didn't have to keep struggling to improve we'd never grow, right?
    October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMegan
    that leftover angry day face looks just like me on saturday!! ack!
    i *confess* that i make my bed every day. but there are so many other things that do fall into my "unmade bed" category...

    i would love to spend an hour in office depot right now!
    October 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlelly
    You have a laminator? Lucky girl! I love your idea to laminate your photo. You can just hold it up in front of the real thing and squint and...ta-da a made bed. Sounds like a plan to me.
    October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany
    I think you're totally hilarious. don't let that throw you into another angry spin... just know that even when you're a grump, you bring joy to others... ha!
    October 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteramberly
    such a funny post. we all have things we struggle with! just read my #7 post! i hear ya!
    October 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermissy
    I love Tiff's idea of holding the laminated "made bed" bookmark in front of the actual bed. She's a hoot.
    I love my laminator too!! So glad you introduced me to it years and years ago.
    October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAngie
    First, let me just say that this was a darling post.

    I love office supplies too...among my favorites are freshly sharpened pencils. Yum.

    I do make my bed...unless it's a really,really bad day. Rachel once told me that she's only seen my bed unmade once. But, I have more angry days than I care to admit. I know what you mean about being frustrated at being unable to change completely, once and for all. I've been trying to do that with my heart...with less than 50% results, I'm afraid. I did get a lot of comfort from c jane's latest post about progress...that it's slow and we have to be patient. I've started measuring it differently...maybe not perfect, but certainly an (infinitesimal) improvement. I'm trying, and that's something.

    And damn entropy anyway.
    October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterApril
    hey- my computer is not frozen?? i will go with it while i can

    angry face photo, with caption, priceless.

    love your inspiration pic, too! :)
    October 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercarlo
    I love the way you combined these two spt's!

    I do feel better when my bed is made, even when there are piles all around the bed....sigh. I cannot stand it when the fitted sheet is starting to coming off. One of my idiosyncrasies.
    October 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermichelle
    I've gotten a lot better about making my bed, but it's still one of the first things to go on angry days.

    Laminating machine? How luxurious! It's really almost decadent to have one in your own home. I can see how it would bring you joy.

    I love office supplies. I think it goes back to when I was a secretary (er...administrative assistant) at BYU and realized how helpful it is to have those things within an arms reach. Now that I don't need them, or have the organizational skills to know where they are...ever, my love affair has diminished. But, I admit, I got a little excited when you mentioned push pins. Those are fun!

    As are you. Really.
    October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLucy
    I think I need to clarify re: my laminating machine. It's no luxurious affair. $25 at WalMart or Target, in fact. And it laminates letter-sized or legal. Extremely handy for games, books, handouts, and all the random things that chip away at my time. LOVE It!
    October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmy
    $25 you say? So, so tempting.

    As for bringing up Target - that is just plain mean:)
    October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLucy
    I think if you got out your penguin blanket, you would feel much better about your bed. Really, though, I do think having bedding you love makes it easier to want to make the bed. My duvet cover has been on the floor of my room since our stuff arrived, and now I'm too afraid that there is a cricket living in it to put it on the bed. It's definitely dampened my bed making.

    I share your love of office supplies, but don't own a laminator -- you'll have to introduce me to it's plastic-y goodness.

    I love the angry photo -- I could have taken one of those myself, only it would have been much less cute.
    October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
    I was giddy when I saw the title of your first post. I love office supplies too. Love them. Don't really need them, but I will jump at the chance to buy them.

    I also have a horrible habit of never making my bed..and yet if I ever do it looks so nice and completely lifts my mood.

    Good for you for posting that you laminated your bed. Now it can always be made!
    October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda L.
    I love your posts (and you). Just so full of honesty...and isn't that one of the most refreshing traits?? And I am sorry that you are having an angry day, but loved that you documented it.

    Oh, and I have not forgotten to call... I am just late, with everything. :)
    October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRachel
    Beds are suppose to be made?!?
    October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLene
    I am a solid bed maker now, but I dont' know how it happened. It wasn't a decision, it just happened one day and I suddenly became a bed maker.

    I am hoping this same miracle happens with my dishes. I have REALLY been trying to do my dishes in the evening. (I can keep up all day, but after dinner is over I just say, 'forget it. I'll do them in the morning. Then in the morning, I have to do them, but now they are crusty and harder to wash.) You'd think that after 27 years, I would learn I am a happier person if I wake up to a clean kitchen, wouldn't you? Anyway, I have been doing good lately, but it is never without focusing and forcing myself to get my rear end infront of the sink.

    If you come and do my dishes, I'll make your bed for you. Deal?
    October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarie
    laminating machines do rock! I love the new you with Photoshop -- I totally see all the cool things you do now. And can I just say that I still love your bed and when I save up for one, I will most likely get the same one! Sorry.
    October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMandi
    Oh, Amy! I too am not a bed maker - I used to be everyday until about two months into marriage and having to remake the thing all day long - ok, little too much info, sorry, but then I stopped making it for awhile and when my husband didn't seem to mind and since my dad can't come to 1st grade and escort me home "to make her bed" (which was truly announced to the whole class as he took me home for 5 minutes and then made me go back into said class alone after the chore was finished) I no longer feel that I must make my bed everyday. Sadly, I also don't make my children make their's either, unless Grami and Pops are coming to visit! (I know, I know!) SO, I know it won't make you feel much better about not reaching your goal, but at least you know you are not alone.
    November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJodi

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