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« SPT: childhood school memories | Main | the hunter or the hunted? »

first day of preschool

Aidan is always a bundle of nerves when faced with a first.  And his nerves are often manifest in ultra-hyper behavior.  That's what we had this morning, making me realize that my little was truly ill-at-ease.  But no fits came, and I think that's only because his cousins were braving preschool's first day with him.  Yet another reason to be grateful that Mandi lives so near us.



Before Jim left today, I overheard this "talk" with Aidan.

"Remember that you're Aidan Scott.
Remember that you're a part of this family.
Remember that you're powerful...and being powerful means knowing how to be nice, respectful and honorable."

I think he could repeat that wisdom to his boys verbatim from now through high school. 

the 3 preschool littles with Ms. Jill (A's leaning & eyeing cracked me up here)
but, here are a few outtakes from this afternoon that seriously make me worry about our Ms. Jill's future sanity:
And this - my favorite picture of the day:


Reader Comments (12)

Oh so cute. Kate's first day is tomorrow.
September 10, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersheri
I loved this post, just loved it.
September 10, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterEmily
That last snapshot is too cute. How fun to be able to go to school with cousins!
September 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjenny c.
Carter has asked to go back to preschool every day since his first day last week. I am pretty sure that means it went well.

I hope Aiden liked it as much as Carter did.
September 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMarie
So cute! How fun for Mandi to have both girls gone and together! I didn't realize London was starting too. I love the bottom picture!
September 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterShanon
These pictures have me smiling! These kids are so darn cute! Their personalities sure do show up in these pictures.
September 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle
I love the picture of Aidan eyeing the teacher. What must be going through that boy's head. I personally think anyone who would willingly teach preschool has sanity issues as it is, so I'm sure these 3 won't have the least bit of affect on it.
September 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnnalisa
Preschool Power--that is what the first photo made me think of! What cousin fun!
September 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany
Cute pics! And love the pep talk by Jim! :) Kason started preschool last week and absolutely loved it!
September 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJaime
Love love loved the pep talk.

Such cute photos -- I really wonder how preschool teachers do it! It takes a special kind of person.
September 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
Jim is a great dad.
September 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBarb
I love, love, love what Jim said to Aidan in the morning on his first day, and I totally agree that that's something that could be said for many years to come.

The pictures of the kids are hilarious, Aidan's leaning and eyeing is classic!
September 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJill

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