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    worst case scenario

    Every time I spend hours on a cake I worry & worry & worry when it comes time to transport said cake.  Last week my worst fears were realized on Davyn's birthday.  Luckily, I was nervous enough to take a "before" picture just in case.   Aidan and I were both on edge as we packed up and drove off.  Our house is surrounded by construction.  And construction zone turned to war zone as I nervously navigated the bumps & jolts.  It honestly only took a few bumps for the cake to begin leaning.  Aidan's nerves were worse than mine.  I could see him in the rearview mirror, breath held, brows furrowed.  When the beast of a cake finally did fall, it happened in slow motion.  Or so it seemed.  Aidan wailed (seriously), and cried out, "Oh no, Sponge Bob is doomed."  I laughed (seriously), and breathed a sigh of more tense, white-knuckled driving.  Worst case scenario has struck.

    D's birthday 2.jpg

    We arrived at the party.  The pineapple was on its side, windowless & doorless, my car was coated with frosting, Sponge Bob had lost a shoe, but we removed a layer, propped the whole thing up and hoped for the best.  I'm honestly surprised it still stood.
    It was fun for the birthday D because I truly didn't care that he *redecorated* as we sang to him.  And he had no qualms about digging in to eat the smashed sponge.  d eating cake.jpg
    Sidenote:  If you're wondering, we do use utensils, but D thinks he's a dog lately.  So he crawls on all fours, and when given a snack, it's often dumped on the floor to be licked up.   Yum.

    But here is my favorite Birthday Davyn shot.  He and this sunglasses gift from Grandma Kay have become inseparable.  I'll remember his cheesy sunglass pride for a long time, and I'm sure I'll remember Aidan's wail of "Sponge Bob is doomed!", but I certainly won't remember the 3 1/2 recipes of cake, 5 recipes of frosting and 6 hours of decorating involved in a smashed pineapple under my seat.

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    Reader Comments (26)

    That cake looks fantastic, even after the "worst case scenario." I am so impressed with you. I would love to have that talent.

    I am going to make Ryley a ladybug cake for her birthday. It should be interesting. As long as it sort of resembles a ladybug, I will be happy!

    Love the sunglasses picture. When Ryley was 3 months old, I purchased her some sunglasses from the optometrists' office I used to work at. We took her picture and they used it in the optical to promote their line of baby sunglasses. It was funny.
    February 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandy
    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with cake traumas! There always seems to be something that goes wrong. More often than not, though, I'm the only one who cares!
    February 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKim
    D looks like Aidan in that sunglasses picture to me. Something about his mouth there. Funny!

    I was horrified to hear that you had a pineapple catastrophe in your car. I think you recovered very well -- both cake and spirit! I don't know that I would have been as c'est la vie after all that work! It's really a work of art!
    February 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
    Oh, I probably would have been in tears if that was my masterpiece. I guess in theory if you got a snap shot before the move--that's what counts right. I always hate cutting into pretty and cute cakes too.

    I love how he said it was doomed. Too cute. When we move back in 18 months I may be calling you for hire. Do you do it as any type of business? You are quite talented my friend!
    February 6, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjenny
    I love that you called it a beast of a cake. That cracked me up. I am impressed with your great attitude about the disaster as well, I would have been really ticked. I have to agree with Kelly, I thought that picture of Davyn with the sunglasses was Aidan at first. I've never thought they looked a ton alike until now. Oh and one more thing, tonight when Tom and I were doing the whole bedtime routine with the boys, we were sitting on the floor after saying prayers and Talin out of the blue says, "Mom, I really miss Aidan, and I miss Uncle Jim and Amy." It was so cute. He forgot to mention Davyn, but I know he loves him as well, did you see the fabulous picture he drew of him on the birthday card? He was way proud of that. He also said that he wants to see you guys at Christmas next time and then he changed his mind and said, "maybe we can see them at Easter instead". It was really cute, he misses being around his family a lot. It's sad to see the homesickness for cousins and aunts and uncles from my baby.
    February 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMegan
    Oh my goodness, I would have been crying forever! I was looking at these pics and my 5 year old said "Mom, who made that!?" "I sure wish I could have a cake like that, it's making me sooo hungry". I then tried to explain who made it, I don't think he got it. I think all he wanted to know was if he knew you so he could ask you to make him one!
    February 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterEmily
    Oh my goodness! I see such a mixture of family members in the picture of D with the sunglasses; I see you, Aiden, and even my youngest brother. Wow!

    Since reading your blog and the comments your friends make, I've come to realize how talented you are in yet another area. I'm so glad you took a pic of the cake...soooooo cute; and Aiden's comment is too precious. It's fabulous that you young mothers have this medium to record your history as you keep in touch, share your lives and your thoughts, and actually write down the adorable things your munchkins do and say.

    Keep it up....
    February 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAunt Judy
    Amy Girl, I answered your question about Namaste on the comment on my blog. Thanks for checking in.
    February 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAunt Judy
    Funny...I see nothing of Aidan in that D picture. I see me. I see my dad.

    Megs, that makes my heart hurt to think of Talin saying that. We definitely need to see you guys. I'm sending you a package that has a few goodies for the boys...make sure they know it's from Aunt Amy! I worry about them forgetting me so far away!
    February 6, 2007 | Registered CommenterAmy
    Wow. And I thought my Elmo head cake was good...glad to hear you stayed positive after the fall.
    February 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJordan
    I have to agree, Davyn looks alot like Aidan. I thought it was Aidan in the picture. Cake is amazing like everything you do. I about died laughing from Aidan's doomed sponge bob comment. The things that boy says are so funny.
    February 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJoDee
    great cake! and hooray for 'before' pics... jack is having a rock-climbing/playground themed birthday next month - and i just can't bring myself to make a cake that looks like a big boulder!!
    February 7, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterlelly
    Your cakes are amazing. I thought I did an ok job, but now I will reconsider. I wish you could make the cakes for my kids parties. Perhaps I'll have to look through your cakes to get ideas. Thanks for the inspiration.
    February 7, 2007 | Unregistered Commenteramy m
    Honestly, that is such a darling cake! So clever! I love the "spongebob is doomed!" comment from your babe! That is classic! So great that you were able to recover the cake and not let that ruin your day! You are so talented! Geesh!
    February 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPrice Cream Parlor
    your worst case scenario still looks better than any of my best attempts at cake decoration. *wow* happy birthday little guy!
    February 7, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterlove squalor
    Sounds just like an episode of Sponge Bob. Getting smashed by a giant pineapple cake and still making it through to be dog-licked by a 2-year-old. I would have laughed too.
    February 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnnalisa
    that cake is amazing!!! wow! what a bummer that it fell, but it doesn't look like it hurt any of the fun. my kids love playing "puppy." they walk each other around the house, lick things and eat food like that.
    February 7, 2007 | Unregistered Commentercrystalyn
    That cake is so adorable. It looks to good to eat and the story that came with it is priceless.
    February 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCozzette
    February 7, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterkristi
    Amy, I can't believe you made that cake! It looks so good. I thought it was store bought when I first looked at the picture. Sorry it was "doomed" but I am glad you have some great memories to take with you anyway. :)
    February 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLaralee Anderson
    I once read a Chinese proverb that said, "See the cup already broken." Which I think was supposed to mean 'let go of the worry of the cup breaking' or something. I loved this post. My new version of the old proverb is going to be somthing like "See the cake already toppled".
    February 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBarb
    Wow!! Wish I could do a cake like that. My mom always made really fun cakes and I still remember a lot of them. Your kids will appreciate your efforts and remember how fun the cakes were. Sorry it fell down, but it still looked good to me.
    February 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLaura Williams
    I tried to email you but I'm worried that I didn't get the email address right. If you still have questions, let me know!
    February 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKim
    When are you posting another entry????
    February 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandi
    I agree with everyone else -- that cake was a work of art. But I'm just as impressed with your ambition and willingness to commit that kind of time and effort as I am with your talent. Hope everyone at your house feels better soon. All us girls here are sickies too. Not fun!
    February 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterVella
    oops - thought I posted here a while ago! Well, I am late to say WOW to your creativity and WOW to your calm recounting of what would have been a dire emergency in my world! Looks like you had the right attitude, and someone loved it all the same!
    February 9, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterrebecca

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