almost a criminal
On Thursday I was at the grocery store Alone. This is a rarity. Grocery visits are usually accomplished with eight little limbs flying from my cart, two tiny voices shouting for This and That, and a finale of one wanna-be-dog child crawling on the ground (they clean those floors, right?). I hardly need to say that I don’t stop to look at labels. I seldom smile at strangers. And I certainly don’t pause to peruse the magazines. Alone on Thursday, I did.
Yes, a house full of sick boys awaited the o.j. reinforcements, but I did pause to Look & relish the Alone. So many magazines to choose from, each one representing a world that Invited with the promise of Escape - breathtaking gardens, a perfect body, luscious food, exotic travel. A twinge of Pause Guilt struck, and I picked up a wedding magazine. Mostly Business to this Pleasure, of course, since I definitely need to be looking for more cake ideas with Jenna’s wedding only weeks away. So what if I’ve already made my plans…there's always room for inspiration.
Flipping pages, face to face with an amazing cake, it was Love at first sight. I’m a firm believer, part of the reason why the walls in my house stay empty for so long. I have to fall in Love before I hang something into permanence. And cake love, infinitely important, of course. Well, the cake, while lovely, did not warrant the thoughts that crossed my mind. I had to have the magazine, of course, but I looked at the ridiculous $9.99 on the cover. My reaction was Anger (one part magazine price, more parts piled up frustrations from the week). Not that $10 can’t be spared, but for one picture of one cake? I decided to solve the anger issues by simply tearing out the picture and discreetly returning the magazine to its place on the rack. Of course I would never steal, but this felt more like Justice to my frazzled mind. I wheeled my cart to an empty aisle, eyes flashing back & forth to guard against witnesses. Nervous, I moved to another aisle, eyes still darting. My hand was on the page, but that was the limit of my defiance.
I came home $10 poorer, one cake photo richer.
I still think it's beyond lovely.
Reader Comments (15)
The cake is lovely. It's hard to imagine that you really can create these masterpieces. Not that I don't believe you can be artistic, it's just that I never have had a chance to see it. I only got to see your "brains" and genius in the classroom. Wow! I'll hang on to your shirt-tail for a taste of fame and glory....
Give those sick little guys a big hug from Aunt Judy...I remember when all four of my little boys were ill at the same time with chicken pox...well, as the soap opera says, "These are the days of our lives."
Oh, and a quick note about the laundry that all of you cutie pie young mommies were moaning over; believe me, the day will come when you will do one load of whites a WEEK and one load of darks. The house will be quiet, the walls will be sparkling clean. The cobwebs will be gone; and you'll wonder how it passed you by so quickly. So, love every moment. Love every load and every little dirty thing that goes into it. It is but a moment and then it's gone.
And while I'm rattling's something to consider. I did it years ago and it revolutionized my laundry. I created a laundry center where all of their clothes stayed in the laundry room. Then I would wash, dry, stand there and fold and put away without hardly moving a step. The bedrooms stayed remarkably clean when the clothes were never there. I'd strip them for their baths in the laundry room, and get their pj's for them. In the morning they'd take off pj's in the L. room and get their clothes for the day. It was amazing for quite a season in our lives. Maybe it's an idea that can work for you or your friends.
Your almost a criminal story made me laugh! I don't think it would ever occur to me to rip a page out. Too much mentholatum, I say! I hope everyone is completely on the mend soon!
Love the close call with criminality (a word?). I've thought of doing the very same thing many times.
I would have never thought of ripping out the page. I would have retrieved my camera and taken my own picture of the cake, not as beautiful, but free. It is a beautiful cake. I expect my birthday cake to look just like it! :) And thank you so much for the package! It was so cute. How adorable were those hot chocolate mixes? Where did you get those. And your card was very sweet. I agree it seems strange we have never met. Thank you.
That cake is amazing! I can't even imagine all of the work. You will definitely have to post pictures.
other clarification: my wedding cake will look nothing like that perfect picture. It will look nice, but that is simply perfect.
No rain, Jordan, but dark skies. I'd love to have it rain & open all the windows....we need that sort of cleanse.
You know something funny? I have never bought a wedding magazine. Not even when I was - correction - my mom was planning my wedding. Maybe it's time I start. I keep reading blogs where people get their creative inspiration from wedding magazines.
i mean, it was a recycled magazine in a nail salon, so it's o.k., right? RIGHT?!?
(her hair looked GREAT for the wedding...)
Hope you family starts to feel better.