43 cents

Things weren't going Aidan's way yesterday. After some room banishment time, he emerged with demands for a new mom.
...and asked if I was going to move out.
I asked, "Where should I go?"
So he went upstairs and clambered back down with a fist full of change. Forty-three cents plus two Chuck E. Cheese coins. "This can help you buy your own house."
I pocketed the money, swallowed my smile and the day continued.
Later, as I was shuffling around my bedroom, he ran in, fully panicked. "Are you packing your clothes?! I don't want you to go!"
"No, I'm your mom forever."
He grinned wide and asked for his "moneys" back.

Reader Comments (25)
Aidan is a cutie. It cracks me up he wanted his moneys back.
you are such a good mom to roll with the punches I would've probably started crying.
Those two are blessed to have you as their Mom for sure!