unexpected words

So I'm sitting here with two different posts spinning in my head, and a page that remains stubbornly blank. Until I overheard Jim say: "I just need to give the libation to the dwarf." A sentence that doesn't even make the list of things I'd never expect to hear my husband say...because, well...who would you expect to drop both "libation" and "dwarf" in one shot??! True, Jim is a crazed vocabularian (part of his many-faceted charm), so "libation" is hardly surprising from him. Still...
But, it's Wednesday night. Which means Young Women's for me. And Everquest for Jim. We sometimes call it "EverCrack"...Jim's silent {computer game} addiction. Except it hasn't been silent for a while. Because he now plays with a headset and - once in a while - speaks to other likewise headseted individuals. It pretty much always startles me as I sit at my side-by-side desk.
But this comment takes the cake.
Other spinning pre-posts will have to be my bed partners. Because Everquest night is definitely a late one for my love. Busy with all those dwarf errands, you know...

Reader Comments (16)
I loved imagining you two at a side-by-side desk...a very charming image.