music & lyrics

Jim & I came together listening to music. Analyzing words, balancing rhythm & meaning....late nights & long talks, all a thinly composed guise for our own feelings. Of course, the feelings emerged full-fledged. Eventually. And life billowed forward, leaving little time for the luxury of sitting & listening together.
My new music partners are 4..and 2...and started their listening careers with desires to hear "Yellow" on repeat forever. I'm a ColdPlay fan, so that wasn't really a problem. For a while.
But now our toes are jointly tapping to Regina Spektor. Jim rolls his eyes as the boys belt the tunes...likely grateful that we seldom ride together. But these are the lyrics I wish you could hear as they scream sing in the car, my love. They play on repeat in my head of late, dedicated to the life we've made together:
...this is how it works
You peer inside yourself
You take the things you like
And try to love the things you took
And then you take that love you made
And stick it into some
Someone else's heart
Pumping someone else's blood
And walking arm in arm
You hope it don't get harmed
But even if it does
You'll just do it all again
Yes, that's precisely how it works. Somehow. And somehow it's a fair trade that instead of the raw passion of lyrics we now analyze the more mundane realities of finances, time, and tiny people. Exciting, not always. But, walking arm & arm such commonplace somehow holds the divine.
After all, you're still my car. More than enough.

Reader Comments (13)
Lovely breakfast with you this morning...I always leave you wishing we had hours and hours. Regardless, I was grateful for the ones we shared this morning, even if they were interrupted by "potty breaks" and silverware theft. Love you!
Anyway, yes, Amy, a couple months ago my children were constantly singing "Yellow" both in and out of the car thanks to your kiddos. Even now, as I'm typing, they're coloring on the floor singing the littles' new favorite, "You Can't Always Get What You Want."
Those lyrics are beautiful.