make lemonade??!

On Saturday I bought two lemons at the store for part of Sunday's dinner. While I despise grocery shopping as a whole, produce sections often make me giddy. Surrounded by potential chopping, freshness, flavor. And the whole reach out & touch/smell sensory necessity. But Saturday's trip was alone with Aidan, and I relinquished some of my produce selecting. There was plenty of giddy for both of us in his joy at my "grab two heads of garlic" or "pick out two good lemons".
Oh yes, the lemons. I pulled them out today. Cut & pressed the first. Then swung my knife over to half the other, greeted with a hollow tap. A tap that sounded strangely like plastic. I picked up the lemon in confusion and discovered that it was just that... Plastic.
So, I know that when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade.
But what if life hands you plastic lemons?
I'm straining for a lesson in that.
Reader Comments (20)
I think the lesson is that if you fake your way through life, you can't make anything real out of it.
That is hysterical! I can't stop laughing. The image of you taking a whack at that thing and have it bounce back just cracks me up. If anybody can find a way to make lemonade out of a plastic lemon, it is you!!!