a gentle reminder

I was headed downstairs yesterday morning and Aidan came running after me. "Mom, mom, you forgot your hairstyle." I turn around and he's holding one of those claw hair clip things. Wow...I've come a long way from going to the salon every two weeks to this moment of realization that my defining "hairstyle" is a claw. I comb my hair sometimes, yes, and I do own a very nice pink flat iron, but most days it's just the claw.
Thank you Aidan for the wake up call...I'll have to give you a gentle reminder in return someday if your present style preferences persist.
Reader Comments (6)
And I love the phrase, "You forgot your hairstyle!" Too cute!
Hey at least you make the effort to put your hair up. I have thin, fine hair that always looks the same whether I roll out of bed or spend half an hour on. On Sundays I flat iron it for church (mine is curved so it curls it) and other than that sometimes I wonder if I even brushed today.
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