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week 6.

Megan drew an amazing picture last week.  A woman stands at the bottom, face up, arm reaching towards Christ's own outstretched appendage.  This is the part of the picture that I feel profoundly.  Jim and I were asked to speak in church, so the week's normal activity was punctuated with far more prayer and gospel study than usual.  Making it an amazing week in our home.  I'm grateful for the constant reach of my Savior's hand.  My own stretch varies in vigor, but His is forever sure.

Weeks like this are a reminder...a wake-up call of sorts.  Life's joys are more readily felt when the gospel consumes my free time.  The Joy we've been blessed to feel this week is something I don't want to let go. In John 10:10, the Savior spoke, saying, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”  Indeed.



week 5.

I exercised a record 6 days this week.  There was much soreness, yes.  And the 5:30 a.m. wake-up time did push my bedtime forward considerably.  But, it was a week full of more energy than I've felt in a while.  Housework felt like less of a chore.  Laundry got done with less whining.  For all this I thank Mandi and my friend Megan.  Some aspects of life find me self-motivated.   For exercise I need outside help.  And I feel blessed that these girls are giving it to me.


week 4.

I was the only one in my family who always swore she'd never live in Arizona.  Ever.  Yet, here I am.  In Arizona.  Settled for life.  Mandi is thankfully down the street, but when she and Nate daydream of cooler climes I silently cringe.  Because I've already lost JoDee, Tyler & Megan to other states.

But a bonus of this unpreferred situation is the blessing that the rare time with my siblings becomes.  The boys & I spent the week in Utah with JoDee.  We painted, played, crafted, rock banded.  But none of that mattered.  It's simply a joy to be with your own people.


week 3.

4:15 on Tuesday there was a knock on my door.  And Lezlie Brady stood there with a pan of lasagna, salad and cookies.  I stood there mystified as she handed over the stack of goodness.  When I asked why, her response was "just because".  I feel like that was the best answer possible.  And the truth behind so many of the blessings of generous friendship.  Not making up for a lack, not necessarily even earned.  Just Because.  

And it's a reminder I needed.  Two years ago I decided to weekly look for "just because" service.  So I'm grateful to renew my resolve to reach a little further, thank a little more heartily, love a little more visibly...lightening the load of the beautiful people who surround me, which in turn does wonders for my own.


week 2.

You're not supposed to cry in Sunday School, but I couldn't help it.  The lesson was on eternal marriage - and even though two different couples had just sweetly shared their "we just never fight"; and even though Jim & I defnitely do - my heart overflowed with gratitude for the man sitting next to me.  Especially when he looked over with his own eyes filled. We've got a good thing going.  I'm grateful to be equally yoked because this link is for Always.